The theme of this issue is residential environments. In the following pages, we feature a variety of works, each representing one proposal for the ideal residence under various conditions. The works include urban residences, which range from ultra-high rise apartment buildings to conversions, as well as villas and mansions surrounded by lush greenery. In the interview that begins the issue, Toru Yamanaka says that those of us who design residences need to recognize that quality homes promote happier families and better society. This is what society needs from housing construction. This is an indication of the weighty responsibility on the shoulders of home designers. Moreover, in the "Topics" section, Koji Fujii says that residential architecture "is the type of architecture that best represents a country," and says he sees residences as culture. Only when we stop viewing residences in terms of the economic value of individual buildings and reconsider the value of residences that transcend the age will we be able to begin the process of creating lifestyles. (Kazunori Sekiya)本号は住空間をテーマに、超高層からコンバージョンに至る都市住宅、そして、恵まれた自然に抱かれた別荘・邸宅といった、それぞれの条件下における“住まいのあり方”を提示している作品を特集しました。巻頭の山中孔 氏インタビューでは、住まいづくりに携わる我々は、「住まいは家族をつくり、社会をつくる」という認識が必要であり、社会はこれを建築に求めているという、つくり手の重責が示唆されています。また、トピックで取り上げた建築家 藤井厚二は「其の国を代表する建築は住宅である」とし、住まいを“文化”と捉えています。建物単体としての経済価値のみに始終することなく、改めて“住まいの価値”を再考することから、生活文化づくりがはじまるのではと思います。(関谷 和則)Edit Postscript編集後記
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