N上段の間寝室1納戸寝室3縁側居室客室読書室寝室2土間調理室食事室玄関下段の間玄関次の間「聴竹居」実測平面図 S=1:300作成:竹中工務店設計部 2000年居室と緩やかに分節された-食堂 33和と洋のデザインが見事に融合した-居室 35風景を取り込む横連窓の冬暖かく夏涼しいサンルーム-縁側 36椅子式の接客空間-客室 34Fujii's most important work, "The Japanese Home," includes the sentence, "Residential architecture is the type of architecture that best represents a country." The architect Fujii, who spent his life searching and experimenting with residential design, took great pride in this type of architecture, and it also poses a penetrating question to all of us who live in the 21st century. The residential environment and the residences and the other examples of architecture in modern Japan cannot be said to have achieved sustainability. It is said that Japan's "quantity" needs have been satisfied. If this is so, then, like Fujii, it may be time to continue the search for "residences that truly match the Japanese climate and the physical characteristics of the Japanese people," as well as a sustainable architecture in which "effortless" beauty can be glimpsed.Akira Matsukuma(Osaka Main Office Building Design Department / Representative, Chochikukyo Measurement Team)29Topic