GYREGYRE建物外周を巡る回遊動線Circulation flow around the building periphery東京表参道に面する商業テナントビルの建替計画で、既存建物を当社が買取り、企画・設計・施工からテナントリーシングまで行った自社開発プロジェクトである。共同設計者としてオランダの若手設計集団であるMVRDV*を迎えた。これまで箱物として整然と縦に詰まれていたボリュームを階層ごとに回転させ、生み出された余白のスペースを外部階段でつなぐことで回遊性を高める提案をしている。来客者は各階でのシーンの移り変わりを楽しみながら自然と建物を回遊することが出来る。この建物外周を廻る回遊は単なる垂直の動線ではなく、階層によるヒエラルキーの存在を消す垂直のストリートであり、1階から最上階までの店舗全てが路面店となる新しいダイアグラムを創り出している。(垣谷 伸彦)This is a self-developed project, for which we purchased a commercial tenant building facing Omotesando Avenue in Tokyo and undertook the reconstruction process from planning, design, and construction to tenant leasing. The young designer team of the Netherlands, MVRDV*, was invited as co-architect. In this project design, the stories which were simply arranged in a box form neatly stacked vertically, the layout of each story was rotated to produce additional spaces. The newly created spaces were then connected with an exterior stairway to enhance circulations flow in the building. This offers visitors a tour of the building while enjoying the scenic changes on each story. The circulation flow around the building is not a mere vertical traffic line but a vertical street eliminating the presence of hierarchy generated by the stories, in the concept of which all the shops from the 1st story to the topmost floor are arranged to face the avenue, thus creating a new diagram. (Nobuhiko Kakitani)建築主:竹中工務店所在地:東京都渋谷区主要用途:店舗設計:MVRDV+竹中工務店・設計:新城功雄・濱野裕司結城哲治・垣谷伸彦・構造:中山信雄・廣重隆明・小田島暢之・設備:白鳥泰宏・古屋誠二郎・村下和紀齋藤賢一・手塚宏治施工:竹中工務店・作業所長:阿部一博敷地面積:1,769.05㎡建築面積:1,532.28㎡延床面積:8,950.46㎡構造:S造階数:地下2階 地上5階工期:2006.6~2007.10Owner: Takenaka CorporationLocation: Shibuya-ku, Tokyo Main use: ShopDesign: MVRDV+Takenaka Corporation・Architects: Isao Shinjo, Yuji HamanoTetsuji Yuki and Nobuhiko Kakitani・Structual: Nobuo Nakayama, Takaaki Hiroshigeand Nobuyuki Odajima・M&E: Yasuhiro Shiratori, Seijirou FuruyaKazunori Murashita, Kenichi Saito and Koji TezukaConstruction work: Takenaka Corporation・Site manager: Kazuhiro AbeSite area: 1,769.05㎡Building area: 1,532.28㎡Total floor area: 8,950.46㎡Construction: SteelNumber of stories: 5 floors above ground plus2 basement floorsConstruction term: June 2006 to October 2007*MVRDV:1991年Winy Maas、Jacob van Rijs、Nathalie de Vriesによって設立。代表作に「ハノーヴァー万博オランダ館」「まつだい雪国農耕文化村センター」「コペンハーゲンの集合住宅」など。*MVRDV: Established by Winy Maas, Jacob van Rijs, and Nathalie de Vries in 1991.Representative works include "The Dutch Pavilion Expo 2000," "Snow-Land Agrarian Culture Center, Matsudai," "Gemini Residence, Copenhagen," etc.12Works