
123身体性と建築Embodying the cirque du soleil in the architecture「冒険(Adventure)」をキーコンセプトに、様々な空間シーンをどのように体験つけるか、そこにどのような驚きや、感動が体感として残るかを考え、巨大な黒岩のあるロビー、鍾乳洞の中に入るような劇場入口空間、水盤あるいは地底湖をイメージしたレストルームなどを提案した。見る人によって、いかようにも見えるカタチ、そこに入るとワクワクするような空間、そこにシルクのもつ身体性と建築との融合を、我々は目指した。(堀口 譲司)The key concept for the design was "adventure" and the challenge was to link the various environments to experiences and to ensure that surprise and deep emotion would remain vivid afterward. With this in mind, an enormous lobby of black rock, a theatre entrance that is like entering an underground cavern, and restrooms designed to resemble a pond or underground lake were created. The goal was to embody the Cirque du Soleil in the architecture by creating shapes that would appear differently to different people and spaces that would thrill those who enter. (Joji Horiguchi)SECTION S=1:15001. 舞台 Stage2. 客席 Seating3. 劇場ロビー Theatre lobby4. ブティック Boutique5. トレーニングルーム Training room10Works

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