
Topic都市の中の庭園Gardens in the City阪急西宮球場跡地の再開発プロジェクト。百貨店、GMS、専門店、シネマコンプレックスと約3000台の駐車場からなる日本最大級の複合商業施設「阪急西宮ガーデンズ」として計画された。東西の核テナント棟と南の立体駐車場棟の3つのボリュームを、中央に駐車場を内包するサーキットモールでつないだ構成とし、北側に自立した壁を設けることで施設の顔を作っている。阪急西宮北口駅からペデストリアンデッキにより直結する北西のメインエントランスにおいてはその自立した壁をガラスのスクリーンに変換することで、施設内部の視認性を高めている。また中央駐車場の屋上部分にはスカイガーデンを設け、市民の憩いの場となっている。このスカイガーデンでは、広場としての一体感を高めるため、周囲を囲む要素を整理し、明確にしている。三方を取り囲む外areas is a circuit mall with a parking area in the center. A self-standing wall on the north side serves as the "face" of the facility. At the main entrance on the northwest side that is linked directly to Hankyu Nishinomiya Kitaguchi Station by a pedestrian deck, this self-standing wall changes to a glass screen to enable the interior of the facility to be seen. A sky garden on the roof of the central parking structure is designed to serve as a place of rest and relaxation for the general public. To enhance the integration of the Sky Garden with the open square, the elements enclosing the periphery were arranged in a clear and orderly fashion. The external wall enclosures on three sides were provided with artificial wood louvers to create a continuous appearance, and the high sidelight roof surface of north side was provided with shrubs and ground cover of various types and appearances in a mosaic pattern to provide continuity with the view of Mt. Rokko and the surrounding mountains, creating a "hill of green" whose appearance would change with the seasons. To enable people to freely approach and enjoy the fountain provided as one of the symbols of the facility, a water tank has been provided on the ground under the floor slab to create a "dry" fountain that will produce no standing water on the floor. The effect of the fountain is enhanced through operation in tandem with the sound and lighting. Moreover, the ease of access between the Sky Garden and the mall and the openings that provide a view of the garden from the interior create an environment in which interior and exterior are fully integrated with one another. (Takashi Noda)全景 北側より鳥瞰 30壁には人工木ルーバーを配することで連続した表情をつくり、北側のハイサイドライト屋根面には多種・多様な灌木・地被をモザイク状に配し、六甲山の山並みとつながり、季節ごとに変化する「緑の丘」を設えた。シンボルとしての噴水は自由に近づき、触れて楽しむことができるよう、床下に水槽を設け、床面に水の滞留がないドライな噴水とし、音響・照明との連動により、演出性を高めている。またモールとの回遊性や、内部からのガーデンへの視線の抜けにも配慮し、内外一体となった空間を創出した。(野田 隆史)Former Hankyu Nishinomiya Stadium Site Redevelopment Project. This is one of the largest commercial complexes in Japan, with a department store, general merchandise stores, boutiques, a cinema complex and a parking area for approximately 3,000 vehicles. The complex is made up of three main buildings: core tenant buildings on the west and east sides and a vertical parking structure on the south side. Linking these three 30Topic

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