東京理科大学長万部キャンパス女子寮Tokyo University of Science in Oshamambe Campus Girl’s Dormitory 海と山に挟まれた女子寮A dormitory nestled between the mountains and the sea海と山に挟まれた丘陵地という地勢と気象環境に配慮し、冬季は山側からの風を防ぎ、夏季は海側からの風を受け入れる全長100mの曲面壁と、これに包まれるように並置した矩形のボリュームで構成している。既存キャンパスの幾何学的形態を踏襲・展開しながら、ここで1年間生活する女子学生が長万部の地域性を自然と感じられる建築を目指した。(垣田 淳)This dormitory is located on a hill nestled between the mountains and the sea. Out of consideration for the geographical and meteorological conditions of this location, the design juxtaposes a 100-meter-long curved wall with the rectangular dormitory building that it encloses, protecting the dormitory from the freezing mountain winds in winter but admitting the cool ocean breezes in summer. The dormitory follows and further extends the geometrical shape of the existing campus. It is designed to give the high school girls who will live here for a year a sense of the character and natural beauty of the Oshamambe region. (Jun Kakita)建築主:学校法人東京理科大学所在地:北海道山越郡主要用途:学生寮設計施工:竹中工務店・設計:河合有人・垣田淳・構造:定本照正・長谷川圭一・設備:似鳥雅則・渋谷幸男・作業所長:岸下徳敷地面積:74,657.89㎡建築面積:1,251.29㎡延床面積:3,721.57㎡構造:RC造階数:地下1階 地上3階工期:2007.6~2008.2Owner: Tokyo University of ScienceLocation: Yamakoshi-gun, HokkaidoMain use: DormitoryDesign and construction work: Takenaka Corporation・Architects: Arihito Kawai, Jun Kakita・Structual: Terumasa Sadamoto, Keiichi Hasegawa・M&E: Masanori Nitadori, Yukio Shibuya・Site manager: Toku KishishitaSite area: 74,657.89㎡Building area: 1,251.29㎡Total fl oor area: 3,721.57㎡Construction: Reinforced concreteNumber of stories: 3 fl oors above ground plus 1 basement fl oorConstruction term: June 2007 to February 2008寮室を包み込む白い防風壁 1018Works