宿泊ゾーン(3~7F)浴室・アスレチックゾーン(3F)研修・共用ゾーン(1・2F)環境への配慮と海への眺望の確保Environmentally conscious facility with a commanding view of the ocean傾斜地を利用した建物構成とし、建物をできるだけ低く小さく見せることで周囲への圧迫感を低減した。またT字型配置により、研修ゾーンからはもとより各宿泊室から海への眺望を確保し、動線の最短化を実現した。宿泊棟に光庭、研修ゾーンには光ダクトやライトシェルフを設けることにより強い日射を間接的に取り入れることで「熱負荷低減+自然光の積極利用+眺望確保」を両立させている。(河辺 晴重)The building has been designed to be low and as close to the ground as possible on the sloping site in order to avoid overwhelming the surrounding area. The T-shaped building layout ensures a view of the ocean from both the training zone and the rooms in the accommodation facility. It also secures the shortest possible routes between locations in the facility. Strong indirect sunlight is admitted through the use of a light garden in the accommodation wing and light ducts and light shelves in the training zone. This design successfully balances the needs for reduction of thermal load, active use of natural lighting and the securing of scenic views. (Harushige Kawabe)目の前に海が広がる3F浴室 07自然採光、通風のための光庭 08建物構成図14Works