
ホスピタリティを表現する内部空間Interior environment expresses hospitality1階検査外来では、機能配分の結果として不規則に配置された検査諸室の壁面帯状サインパネルと連続して折り上げた間接照明との組合せにより、低層部のファサードイメージがそのまま内部空間に展開されることを狙った。待つ行為が主となる2階健診では、住宅街の屋根越しに対峙する銚子観音を借景として取りこむ大きなガラススクリーン、近接する住宅地に配慮し開口部を制限した地窓のデザインなど、それぞれの場において対面する周辺環境と呼応した待合空間を創った。全体的に白と黒をベースにした落着いた色調に柔らかい間接光を組合せ、高級感と賑わいが併存する、新しい病院空間のあり方を目指した。(北原 祥三)The design of the waiting room areas takes into consideration the surrounding environment that faces each location. The allocation of functions in the 1st floor outpatient examination area results in the combination of vertical sign panels placed irregularly in the walls of the examination room corridor and a series of indirect lighting fixtures inset into the ceiling, continuing the low-rise exterior façade in the interior space as well. For the 2nd floor examination area, which serves primarily as a waiting area, glass screens have been provided to use as borrowed scenery the Choshi (Iinuma) Kannon temple that is visible directly across the roofs of the residential block, and jimado floor-level windows have been provided so as to limit the apertures out of consideration for the adjacent residences. Overall, a subdued black and white color scheme is combined with soft indirect lighting. The result is a new approach to hospital interior design, and providing a sense of hospitality that is sure to brighten the spirits. (Shozo Kitahara)10Works

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