
N34FL▽32~33FL▽15~31FL▽4~14FL▽1156101156104656107656102,5251101,8256101,525910111111111123N4.TOWERN4.Tower川に沿った都市景観をつくりだす板状超高層集合住宅A regular rectangular shaped ultra-high rise condominium on an urban riverbank水都大阪の中心で、芸術・文化および自然環境に恵まれた中之島に建つ集合住宅である。新たな文化・芸術地区として再開発が進む周辺街区の都市景観に配慮し、豊かな街並み形成に貢献するとともに、都市型集合住宅としての居住性向上を目指した。敷地条件から導き出された板状超高層の形状を生かし、水平に延びる外周の梁成を上階にいくほど小さくした合理的構造架構とすることで、住戸の高さに合った開放性を内部にもたらすと同時に、上昇感のある洗練されたファサードを創出した。アプローチには、訪れる人の五感を刺激する滝と噴水のある水景を設え、アート作品を配した開放的なエントランスホールとともに、街にはたらきかける開放的なランドスケープとした。(平岡 健太郎)This apartment building is located in the center of Osaka, the "Water Metropolis" of Japan, in the Nakanoshima area that offers a rich natural environment and numerous arts and cultural facilities. Out of consideration for the urban landscape in the surrounding area, currently being redeveloped as a new arts and cultural district, the design is intended to help create a rich cityscape and provide an improved residential environment for the urban-style apartment building. Due to the site conditions, a slab-like ultra-high rise shape was adopted. This basic shape was used to create a reasonable structural frame in which the beam depth on the horizontal periphery decreases progressively on the upper floors. This provides the interior with an openness that is appropriate for the height of the apartments, and also gives the façade an ascending feel. The approach to the building has a water environment of waterfalls and fountains to stimulate the senses. The entrance hall features an open design and art objects, and the landscaping is open and designed to accentuate the surrounding urban environment. (Kentaro Hiraoka)TYPICAL FLOOR PLAN S=1:1000建築主:株式会社大京京阪電鉄不動産株式会社所在地:大阪市北区主要用途:共同住宅設計施工:竹中工務店・設計:藪輝人・河合哲夫・平岡健太郎・構造:上田博之・山本俊司・増田寛之・設備:有尾清ニ郎・大知啓介・柳瀬真紀・作業所長:髙橋法雄敷地面積:2,987.83㎡建築面積:1,517.22㎡延床面積:39,110.88㎡構造:RC造階数:地上34階 塔屋2階工期:2007.6〜2009.9Owner: Daikyo IncorporatedKeihan Dentetsu Realestate Co., Ltd.Location: Kita-ku, Osaka-shiMain use: Collective housingDesign and construction work: Takenaka Corporation・Architects: Teruto Yabu, Tetsuo Kawai, and Kentaro Hiraoka・Structual: Hiroyuki Ueda, Shunji Yamamoto,and Hiroyuki Masuda・M&E: Seijirou Ario, Keisuke Ohchi, and Maki Yanase・Site manager: Norio TakahashiSite area: 2,987.83㎡Building area: 1,517.22㎡Total floor area: 39,110.88㎡Construction: Reinforced concreteNumber of stories: 34 floors above ground Construction term: June 2007 to September 20091. 住戸 Apartment2. EVホール Elevator hall3. タワーパーキング Parking towerSECTIONAL DETAIL S=1:100水景 2326Works

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