Nシティタワー品川City Tower Shinagawa高層住宅街のプライバシーと形態Privacy in a high-rise condominium district港南地区は都心にありながら戦前より東京都の施設や倉庫が立ち並ぶ地域であった。近年は再開発ラッシュにより、高層住宅街に生まれ変わりつつある。このような都心回帰現象の中で、都営住宅の再編整備に伴い生み出された敷地に定期借地権制度と総合設計制度の活用により828戸の共同住宅と付属保育園、店舗を計画した。住宅においては、快適な居住のため、プライバシーを確保することをテーマとした。周囲にさまざまな建築物が建ち並ぶ現状を敷地の与条件として捉え、敷地のほぼ中央に高層棟を異形の八角形として計画し、付属施設を低層部に配置している。この八角形平面は、日影やビル風の影響を比較的軽減するとともに、全ての住戸において視線の交差をできるだけ回避したビューを獲得することに寄与している。(吉川 達哉)Notwithstanding its prime location in central Tokyo, the Konan area still has many Tokyo Municipal Government facilities and warehouses that date back to the prewar period. However, the rush to redevelopment during the past few years has gradually transformed the area into a high-rise condominium district, reflecting the current trend in which people have been returning to live in the center of Tokyo. On a site created through restructuring and consolidation of municipal public housing, 828 apartments together with an attached day-care center and stores were constructed using leasehold method and Comprehensive Building Design System. To ensure a pleasant residential environment, the primary theme of the design was ensuring privacy. Taking the diversity of the structures in the surrounding area as a given condition for the design, an octagonal high-rise building was placed in the center of the site, with the attached facilities located in a low-rise section. This octagonal plan helps to reduce the effects of shade and the strong winds blowing through tall buildings, and also makes the line of sight from each apartment intersect that of the other apartments as little as possible to ensure the maximum degree of privacy. (Tatsuya Yoshikawa)LOCATION PLAN S=1:4000建築主:港南四丁目開発株式会社所在地:東京都港区主要用途:共同住宅・保育園・店舗設計施工:竹中工務店・設計:池田達・竹馬泰一・吉川達哉・構造:上田忠男・樋口満・設備:土井章弘・川原井大・作業所長:金尾武弘敷地面積:10,092.03㎡建築面積:5,087.63㎡延床面積:96,148.41㎡構造:RC造・S造階数:地上43階 塔屋1階工期:2006.2〜2008.5Owner: Konanyoncyoume Development Co., Ltd.Location: Minato-ku, TokyoMain use: Collective housing, Day-care center, CommercialDesign and construction work: Takenaka Corporation・Architects: Tatsushi Ikeda, Taiichi Chikuma, and Tatsuya Yoshikawa・Structual: Tadao Ueda, Mitsuru Higuchi・M&E: Akihiro Doi, Dai Kawarai・Site manager: Takehiro KanaoSite area: 10,092.03㎡Building area: 5,087.63㎡Total floor area: 96,148.41㎡Construction: Reinforced concrete and steelNumber of stories: 43 floors above ground Construction term: February 2006 to May 2008東側遠景 2528Works