
跳ね出し梁Hanging beamCWマリオンCurtain wall mullionCWマリオン中間つなぎ材Curtain wall mullion intermediate post jointing先端溝型鋼Edge-grooved steel吊材HangerルーバーLouverA部フラットスラブFlat slab吊材HangerジョイントプレートJoint plateルーバー取付プレートLouver mounting plate高精度なルーバー設置の実現A way to set up a louver in high precision跳ね出し梁先端から吊り下げられたフラットスラブのため精度確保が難しく、また、施工が進むにつれてたわみが変わり位置が変化するため、ルーバーの設置精度の確保を目的に、吊ロッドの接合部にXYZ±10mmのルーズホールを設けるとともに、施工時解析結果に基づき跳ね出し梁の先端に各列毎に最大28mmのキャンバーを設定し、ステップ毎に3次元測量により座標確認を行いながら施工を実施した。この結果、仕上完了時の吊架構部の躯体精度を概ね±5mm内に収め、前述の調整ディテールによりルーバーの極めて高い設置精度を実現した。(中屋 隆史)It was difficult to secure the installation accuracy of louvers because the slab was suspended from the end of cantilever beams and its deflection varied as the constructed proceeded. To secure the installation accuracy, ±10mm “loose holes” in the X, Y and Z directions were provided at the joints of hanging rods and a camber 28 mm at the maximum was set for each row at the end of cantilever beams based on the results of an analysis, and the construction was carried out by checking the coordinates of the suspended structures by three-dimensional surveying in each construction step. As a result, the construction accuracy of suspended structures after completion of finish work was kept to not more than ±5mm, and the extremely high installation accuracy was realized by the above-mentioned details for adjustment. (Takashi Nakaya)A部 吊ロッド接合部2面から光が入り込む研修室21架構アイソメ24Works

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