
多様な和の手法によるインテリアInterior created by numerous traditional Japanese construction techniques単一素材の全面的展開による外観とは対比的に内観では多様な素材、手法、イメージの展開により、強く記憶に残る空間を目指した。和紙、竹、木、左官それぞれに様々な種類と手法を用いて「透け」や「気配」などの曖昧な空間分節を展開し、東西に貫通する吹抜を介しながら、層状に重なる庭園、吹抜、廊下、寮室、緑の斜面が光や視線の様々な見え隠れや抜けによって繋ぎ合わされ、寮としての空間的一体感、実際以上の広がりを生みだした。(町田 伊左雄)The exterior, which consists of a single material used across the entire surface, is placed side by side with the interior, in which many different materials, construction techniques and visuals have been used to create a design that remains vividly in the memory. Various types of each material — Japanese paper, bamboo, wood, and plaster —as well as different construction techniques have been used to separate spaces in an ambiguous manner, for example through transparency or by merely hinting at where the divisions occur. Beyond the atrium that stretches from east to west, the garden, atrium, corridors, dormitory rooms, and the green slope are vertically situated and connected by light and lines of sight that appear and disappear in various ways. These features integrate the dormitory spatially and make the space appear larger than its actual size. (Isao Machida)外部へと視線が抜けるエントランス02北面の穏やかな外部光を取り入れる国際交流ラウンジ03Works

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