
伝統的素材を活かす現代のものづくりA modern approach using traditional materials穏やかな瓦葺寄棟屋根と漆喰の清楚な外観は、周囲に優れた日本の伝統建築が多くある環境で、伝統的な素材を用いた現代のものづくりを行い、時代を超え美しく時を重ねる、歴史的環境に融和した清澄さを持つ建築を目指した。インテリアは、シンプル・歴史性・落ち着き・端正・凛といったキーワードを元に、石・木・漆喰などの自然の素材そのものを活かしたデザインとし、量感を活かした家具を設えることで、虚飾を排した上質な空間を展開、歴史ある名刹にふさわしい宿坊とした。(小椎尾 龍介)In an area surrounded by many outstanding examples of traditional Japanese architecture, the serene hipped tile roof and neat plaster exterior form a modern building created with traditional materials. The aim was to achieve a building architecture that has clarity and is in harmony with the historical environment, one that would retain its timeless beauty as it ages. The interior was based on watchwords such as "simple," "historical quality," "subdued," "handsome," and "dignified." The design utilized natural materials such as stone, wood and plaster as is, and provided heavy furniture in order to create a quality environment without ostentation that would be suitable as the lodgings for a famous historical temple. (Ryusuke Kojio)吹き抜けに面したギャラリー 22光庭より見上げる 2324Works

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