
1235674Nシェラトンホテル広島 若草町地区第一種市街地再開発事業Sheraton Hiroshima Hotel都市成長点の創造Creating an urban growth point広島の玄関口でありながら、老朽化した集合住宅群により分断されていた街並みに、商業・ホテル・業務や居住などの複合施設を導入し、新しい都市成長点として再開発した。アクティブ-インターシティ広島は、2区画ある再開発用地のうち駅に直結する南街区に建設され、21階のホテル棟と13階のオフィス棟を、低層の商業施設と街並みに解放したアトリウムでつなぐ構成とした。建物そのものを「街のゲート」と見立て、階段状の外部空間、多彩な機能を表現した外観構成、再開発地区全体をつなぐデッキなど、街並みへの連続性を創出している。またホテル部分はCFTによるラーメン構造に新ブロードバンド制震デバイス「WAVY」を開発・導入し、安全性に加え風による微震動を軽減した快適なホテル居住空間を実現している。(須田 修司)A section of Hiroshima, which serves as the gateway to the city, had been cut off by a group of aging apartment buildings. Through the introduction of a complex that includes commercial, hotel, business and residential facilities, this section has been redeveloped as a new urban growth point. This new development project, Active Intercity Hiroshima, has been constructed in the southern redevelopment zone, one of two in the city that is connected directly to the train station. The redevelopment consists of a 21-story hotel building and a 13-story office building, connected by a low-rise commercial facility and an atrium that is open to the surrounding city. The buildings themselves were seen as a "gateway to the area." In order to create continuity with the surrounding urban area, they were given a tiered exterior design depicting the variety of functions provided by the complex, with a deck that connects the entire redevelopment area. For the hotel building, a new broadband damping device (WAVY), was developed and introduced to the concrete-filled tubular (CFT) rigid frame structure. The result is a structure that is safe and reduces wind-produced micro vibrations to achieve a comfortable hotel and residential environment. (Shuuji Suda)再開発全景 01SITE PLAN S=1:3000建築主:若草シティ合同会社所在地:広島県広島市主要用途:ホテル・貸事務所・商業施設・駐車場設計:竹中工務店・設計:須田修司・竹村晃・尾崎直哉森口治彦・有田尚之・構造:清水斉・畝博志・高山直行上田博之・山本俊司・増田寛之・設備:橋本俊二・山岡正洋・松本将志・意匠:碩昭博・河野美雄・常賀茂樹酒井道助・野島道子・宮本純子齋藤麻衣子・伊東理恵施工:竹中・広成・砂原共同体・作業所長:酒井求敷地面積:6,488.28㎡建築面積:5,245.95㎡延床面積:48,362.80㎡構造:SRC造・RC造・S造階数:地下1階 地上21階工期:2008.7〜2010.12Owner: WAKAKUSA CITY GKLocation: Hiroshima-shi, HiroshimaMain use: Hotel, Rental office, Commercial institutionDesign work: Takenaka Corporation・Architects: Shuuji Suda, Akira Takemura, Naoya Ozaki, Haruhiko Moriguchi, and Hisashi Arita・Structual: Hitoshi Shimizu, Hiroshi Une, Naoyuki Takayama, Hiroyuki Ueda, Shunji Yamamoto, and Hiroyuki Masuda・M&E: Shunji Hashimoto, Masahiro Yamaoka, and Masashi Matsumoto・Interior: Akihiro Seki, Yoshio Kouno, Shigeki Tsunega, Michisuke Sakai, Michiko Nojima, Junko Miyamoto, Maiko Saito, and Rie ItoConstruction work: Takenaka Corporation, Kosei Corporation, and Sunahara Corporation Joint Venture・Site manager: Motomu SakaiSite area: 6,488.28㎡Building area: 5,245.95㎡Total floor area: 48,362.80㎡Construction: Steel reinforced concrete, reinforced concrete, steel Number of stories: 21 floors above ground plus 1 basement floorConstruction term: July 2008 to December 20101. 広島駅 Hiroshima Station2. タクシープール Taxi pool3. ホテル棟 Hotel building4. ビジネス棟 Business building5. テラス住宅棟 Terrace residential building6. タワー住宅棟 Tower residential building7. 公園 ParkWorks

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