1433211111創造性を育む中庭Courtyards designed to nurture creativity東西方向に配置された5棟の研究棟、それらを串刺しにする3つの主動線により分割された15の研究モジュール全てが中庭に面している。研究棟に挟まれた南北に繋がる4本の中庭軸は、各研究モジュールへの給排気や自然光取入口として機能すると共に、リフレッシュルームの内装と呼応した4色の床タイルを採用し、30万㎡の巨大施設の中で自分がどこに居るかを示す道標の役割も担っている。中庭を取り囲むように会議室・リフレッシュルーム・食堂・動線等の機能空間を配置すること で、研究者間の出会いとコミュニケーションの誘発を促し、異分野交流を通じて新たな発想を育む創造の中庭を目指した。�(高嶋 一穂)Three major lines of movement, creating 15 separate research modules that all face inner courtyards, intersect the five research buildings that are placed in the east to west direction. The four inner courtyard axes that stretch from north to south between the research buildings function to provide air supply and discharge for the individual research modules, as well as serving as openings that bring in natural lighting. Four-color floor tiles, a different color for each axis, have been used to match the interior of the refreshment rooms, and these also serve as signposts to indicate one’s location in the enormous 300,000 m2 facility. The conference rooms, refreshment rooms, cafeteria, lines of movement and other functional spaces have been placed so as to encompass the inner courtyards. This was done in order to stimulate encounters and communication among researchers, in an effort to create a creative inner courtyard that will produce new ideas through encounters with people from different fields. (Kazuho Takashima)自然光豊かに注ぐ棟間連結部 13SECTION S=1:800中庭からの自然光を取り込んだ食堂 141. 研究室 Research room2. 食堂 Cafeteria3. 駐車場 Parking lot4. 中庭 Courtyard18Works