
椿山荘三重塔「平成の大改修」"Heisei Refurbishihg Work" of the Three - story Pagoda In Chinzan - so Garden亜鉛アルミ合金制震ダンパーによる見えない補強Reinforcement by the hidden "Zn - Al Alloy Seismic Dampers"室町時代の古塔を大正期に広島より移築、目白の杜に佇む、都内に現存する三古塔のひとつで、関東では珍しい折衷様の三重塔。築造600年・移築後85年を経過し、塔の老朽化が著しく、早急な保存修理が求められた。文化財保存の見地から、外観変更を伴わない耐久性・安全性の確保が必須で、伝統工法と現代技術を融合させ、貴重な文化財を未来に繋ぐことを目指した。文化財修理の経験深い奈良の宮大工と当社が調査から協業、棟梁を筆頭に若手大工が集結超短工期の修理にあたった。また当社が独自に開発した「亜鉛アルミ合金制震ダンパー」を採用、耐風対策のタイロッドと合わせ、塔内部に目立たぬよう設置「柔軟で粘り強い塔」に再生することができた。(薬師寺 浩)This ancient three-story pagoda was built in the Muromachi Period (1392-1573). It was moved to Tokyo from Hiroshima in the Taisho Period (1912-1926) and now resides in Mejiro no Mori as one of the three major ancient pagodas in the capital. It is also a rare example in the Kanto region of a pagoda in the setchuyo style (a fusion of three building styles developed in the Muromachi period). The pagoda had suffered significant deterioration since 600 years have passed after construction and 85 years after relocation, and needed urgent preservation and repair. From the standpoint of preserving this cultural asset, it was essential to ensure durability and safety without changing its appearance. Accordingly, the aim was to combine traditional construction methods with modern technology to enable this priceless cultural artifact to be passed on to future generations. From the survey stage onward, shrine artisans from Nara with a wealth of experience in repairing cultural assets worked together with the Takenaka traditional architecture group. Led by a master builder, young carpenters gathered and worked together to finish the repairs within an extremely short work period. Unique zinc-aluminum alloy seismic dampers designed by Takenaka, together with tie rods for providing wind resistance, were placed in the interior of the pagoda so they would be inconspicuous. The result is a restored pagoda with both flexibility and ductility. (Hiroshi Yakushiji)建築主:藤田観光株式会社所在地:東京都文京区主要用途:仏塔設計施工:竹中工務店・設計:笠江雅巳・水野吉樹・薬師寺浩・構造:以頭秀司・望月英二・設備:川原井大・村瀬澄江・作業所長:菅原文明・宮大工:瀧川寺社建築敷地面積:22,352.00㎡建築面積:48.44㎡延床面積:8.47㎡構造:木造工期:2010.10〜2011.5Owner: Fujita KankoLocation: Bunkyo-ku, TokyoMain use: PagodaDesign and construction work: Takenaka Corporation・Architects: Masami Kasae, Yoshiki Mizuno, and Hiroshi Yakushiji・Structural: Syuji Itou, Eiji Mochizuki・M&E: Masaru Kawarai, Sumie Murase・Site manager: Humiaki Sugawara・Temple carpentry: Takigawa jisha ArchitectsSite area: 22,352.00㎡Building area: 48.44㎡Total floor area: 8.47㎡Construction: WoodConstruction term: October 2010 to May 2011三重塔の御開帳 「聖観世音菩薩」を拝む 2528Works

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