9,3304,2001002,6304,1009308,16011,7005,9004,230コミュニケーションホールComunication hall食堂Caffeteria事務室Office光庭Light Court工場棟Factory buildingabc「窓」をテーマにしたエコファクトリーAn "eco-factory" that uses windows as a design concept工場棟は、10.8mスパンごとに1列のトップライトを設け、自然光のみでも作業に必要な照度を確保するのと同時に、頂部には開閉ユニットを組み込み、外壁の換気窓と連動した工場全体の自然換気システムも構築している。環境配慮型工場のプロトタイプとして、開口部にはLOW-Eガラスの採用やバランス型自然換気窓の新規開発、クールチューブや換気兼用トップライト採用等の環境技術を織り込むことによってCASBEE:Aランクの環境評価を得ている。(宮下 信顕)The factory building has rows of skylights placed at intervals of 10.8 meters, enabling enough illumination for work operations to be secured with only natural lighting. At the same time, opening and closing units are embedded into the top to form a natural ventilation system, which works in conjunction with the ventilation windows in the outer wall to provide air to the entire factory. The facility was designed as a prototype environmentally conscious factory and incorporates a variety of environmental technologies, such as the use of low-e glass in the apertures, newly developed air-balanced natural ventilation windows, cool tubes, and the aforementioned combined ventilation units and skylights. These features enabled the facility to achieve the CASBEE A Rank for environmental design. (Nobuaki Miyashita)高強度PCの柱と鉄骨の梁による工場内観 14a. 光庭側のバランス型換気窓と連動したダイナミックな換気システム Air-balanced ventilation windows on the light court side are coupled with a dynamic ventilation system.b. 2Fの事務室の地窓から、1Fのコミュニケーションホールと連続して確保した通風 A continuous ventilation path is secured from the floor-level windows in the second floor offices to the communication hall on the first floor.c. 1Fコミュニケーションホールの床からクールチューブで引き込まれた冷風 Cool air is brought in from the floor of the 1st floor communication hall by means of cool tubes.SECTIONAL DETAIL S=1:25019Works