1FL2FL3FL4FL5FL6FL7FL9FLRFL最高高さ66654321周辺環境を生かしたホスピタリティの追求Hospitality in a setting that preserves the surrounding environment周囲の眺望、自然光を各諸室毎に最適化しながら最大限取込み、快適な内部空間を生み出すことを基本としながら、煩雑に表出する医療施設特有の様々な機能(医療ガス等)や要素(サイン・照明)を一本一本の線として連鎖させ、それらの連なりを水面のゆらぎの様な自然発生的表現に置換、統合していくことで、この病院を使う全ての人々が心地よく過ごせるホスピタリティの高い病院空間の創造を目指した。(北原 祥三)The basic approach was to optimize the view of the surroundings and natural lighting in each room to the greatest extent possible to create a comfortable interior environment. At the same time, the various functions (medical gas, etc.) and elements (signs and lighting) that are unique to medical facilities, and usually take complicated forms, are connected by individual single lines, and this series of lines resembles the ripples on the surface of a pond that arise spontaneously and are replaced and integrated. The aim was to create a hospital space with a high degree of hospitality, where all who come will be comfortable during their visit. (Shozo Kitahara)1. 救急 ER2. 外来 Outpatient care3. レストラン RestaurantSECTION S=1:5004. 手術室 Operating room5. 医局 Medical office (Doctors' office)6. 病棟 Ward10Works