中央棟(既存部分)東棟(増築部分)12345678N弘前脳卒中 リハビリテーションセンターHirosaki Stroke & Rehabilitation Center極寒多雪風土に佇む温かみある病院An atmosphere of warmth in a cold, snowy region昨今の津軽医療圏における脳卒中後遺症患者増加を受け、既存棟145床を計248床に拡張する増築計画である。外来・検査・治療・リハビリなどの多岐にわたる医療活動を支えるため、エントランスホール・中央渡り廊下・北側渡り廊下によって既存棟と新築棟を接続し、外来患者動線・医療動線・バック動線を分離した合理的な平面計画とした。冬期の積雪が多い年で130cmに達し北西の岩木山からの恒常風が容赦なく吹き付ける極寒多雪地の厳しい気候にあって、レンガ調タイルとRC打放しを組合せた雪害に配慮した彫りの深いファサードとし、積雪期に地域の人々に安心感を与える温かい佇まいの創出を目指した。(佐藤 圭太)This project involved expanding the existing 145-bed Hirosaki Stroke & Rehabilitation Center building to 248 beds to accommodate the recently increasing number of patients in the Tsugaru medical care zone who need rehabilitation from the aftereffects of a stroke. In order to support the diverse medical services provided by the Center that include outpatient services, medical testing, treatment and rehabilitation, the existing building and the new building were connected by the entrance hall, central corridor and north corridor. This creates a streamlined floor plan that separates the routes traveled by outpatients, medical staff and support personnel. To cope with the severe climate of bitter cold and heavy snowfall, in which the merciless constant winds from Mt. Iwaki to the northwest can bring as much as 130 cm of snow in the wintertime, a sculptured façade of brick-like tile and exposed reinforced concrete that is resistant to snow damage was adopted. The resulting design projects an atmosphere of warmth that will bring peace of mind to the people of the community during the snow season. �(Keita Sato)建築主:財団法人黎明郷所在地:青森県弘前市主要用途:病院設計:竹中工務店・設計:桑原裕彰・伊藤由紀子・葛和久佐藤忠明・佐藤圭太・構造:安岡千尋・高橋伸一・小澤宣行・設備:向井浩一・大川康晴施工:竹中工務店・堀江組JV・作業所長:村上一夫敷地面積:19,872.80㎡建築面積:2,862.05㎡(既存合計:6,521.35㎡)延床面積:7,073.26㎡(既存合計:18,579.55㎡)構造:RC造階数:地上3階工期:2010.2〜2011.3Owner: Zaidanhojin ReimeikyoLocation: Hirosaki-shi, AomoriMain use: HospitalDesign work: Takenaka Corporation・Architects: Hiroaki Kuwabara, Yukiko Ito, Kazuhisa Katsura, Tadaaki Sato, and Keita Sato・Structural: Chihiro Yasuoka, Shinichi Takahashi, and Nobuyuki Ozawa・M&E: Koichi Mukai, Yasuharu OkawaConstruction work: Takenaka Corporation & Horie JV・Site manager: Kazuo MurakamiSite area: 19,872.80㎡Building area: 2,862.05㎡Total floor area: 7,073.26㎡Construction: Reinforced concreteNumber of stories: 3 floors above groundConstruction term: February 2010 to March 20111. 中央渡り廊下 Central corridor2. 北側渡り廊下 North corridor3. 1床室 Private bed room4. スタッフステーション Nurses staion5. 食堂 Dining room6. 4床室 4 bed room7. リハビリ室 Rehabilitation room8. エントランスホール Entrance hall3F PLAN S=1:160024Works