12345N医療法人篤友会 坂本病院Medical Corporation Tokuyukai Sakamoto Hospital屋上庭園のある療養型病院Convalescent hospital with rooftop gardens療養型病院の老朽化による移転建替えである。慢性期から終末期までの患者のクオリティオブライフ向上のための「第2の故郷」となるような、日本の原風景を感じさせるデザインを目指した。屋上には車椅子利用を前提とした庭園を設え、四季を感じられる場を創出した。家族の積極的な関わりを促す施設計画とするため、入院患者と家族が一緒に過ごせる多様な場所を内外に設けた。病室のベッドを窓側に並べて配置するデザインとし、スタッフが介護しやすく、寝たきりでも光や風を感じることができる病室とした。(藤田 幹人)This project involved the relocation and reconstruction of the aging Sakamoto Hospital, a medical care and convalescent hospital. To make the hospital into a "second home" and improve quality of life for patients from the chronic phase through the terminal phase of illness, the goal was to create a design reminiscent of typical natural settings in Japan. Gardens designed with the use of wheelchairs in mind were provided on the roof, creating a place where patients can experience the changing seasons. To create a facility that will encourage the active involvement of the patient's family, the design provides a diverse array of spaces where admitted patients and their families can spend time both inside and outside the hospital. A new patient room design was also developed to make it easy for the staff to provide care and bring sunlight and breezes to even bedridden patients. (Mikito Fujita)3F PLAN S=1:1000建築主:医療法人篤友会所在地:大阪府豊中市主要用途:病院監修:日本設計設計施工:竹中工務店・設計:石河幸伸・藤田幹人・構造:片山丈士・慶祐一・設備:瀬川淳・上田真也・作業所長:福嶋達雄敷地面積:4,401.12㎡建築面積:2,327.55㎡延床面積:9,505.19㎡構造:RC造階数:地上6階工期:2009.11〜2011.1Owner: Medical Corporation TokuyukaiLocation: Toyonaka-shi, OsakaMain use: HospitalSupervisor: NIHON SEKKEI. INC.Design and construction work: Takenaka Corporation・Architects: Yukinobu Ishikou, Mikito Fujita・Structural: Takeshi Katayama, Yuuichi Iwai・M&E: Atsushi Segawa, Shinya Ueda・Site manager: Tatsuo FukushimaSite area: 4,401.12㎡Building area: 2,327.55㎡Total floor area: 9,505.19㎡Construction: Reinforced concreteNumber of stories: 6 floors above groundConstruction term: November 2009 to January 20111. 病室 Patient room2. スタッフステーション Staff station3. 家族交流室 Family meeting room4. 棚田 Terraced rice field5. 吹抜 Atrium26Works