神奈川県足柄郡大井町の第一生命旧大井本社は、いわゆるバックオフィスの発想に留まらず国土開発に対する画期的な試みであった。半世紀を経て、本社・事業所を再編するにあたり、当時の挑戦的な「田園都市構想」の理念を継承し、ランドスケープと一体になった郊外型バックオフィスの新たなプロトタイプを提案した。周囲の豊かな自然環境を最大のデザイン資源とし、パッシブ制御を軸とした省エネ技術によりコンセント負荷を除いたCO2排出量を55%削減すると共に、緑豊かな中庭や奥行きの深いバルコニーなど、環境バッファーゾーンを介して内外を連続させることで、あたかも公園の中で働いているかのようなアメニティの高い空間を目指した。(車戸 城二) 第一生命新大井事業所The New Ohi Office Building of the Dai-ichi Life Insurance Company, LimitedOffice building with gentle breezes and sunlight filtering through leaves木漏れ日とそよ風のオフィスOwner: The Dai-ichi Life Insurance Company, LimitedLocation: Ashigara-gun, KanagawaMain use: OfficeDesign: Takenaka Corporation・Architects: Joji Kurumado, Shyuji Ishikawa, Tatsuya Kobuki, ・Ikuya Hanaoka, Masayuki Hirao, and Akiko Ohashi・Structural: Takaaki Hiroshige, Toshiaki Itou, and Kei Mutou ・M&E: Naoaki Suzuki, Katsuhiko Hirano・Landscape: Masayuki Mukouyama, Yujirou Minomo・Work Place Produce: Yukio Tokumoto, Tooru Ohkawa, ・Keiji Sakamoto, Michihiko Okamoto, Naotaka Ishizaki,・Ken Kosuge, and Takashi KasuyaSite manager: Yoshimitsu MaedaConstruction work: Takaneka Corporation + Nihon KensetsuSite area: 26083.84 m2(Main area)24700.00 m2(Surrounding area)Building area: 11498.73 m2Total floor area: 44480.01 m2Construction: Reinforced concrete, Steel, Steel reinforced concreteNumber of stories: 4 floors above ground plus1 basement floorConstruction term: August 2009 to January 2012建築主:第一生命株式会社所在地:神奈川県足柄郡主要用途:事務所・配送センター設計:竹中工務店・設計:車戸城二・石川修次・小吹達也 花岡郁哉・平尾雅之・大橋明子・構造:廣重隆明・伊藤利明・武藤肇・設備:鈴木尚昭・平野克彦・WPP:徳本幸男・大川徹・坂本圭司 丘本道彦・石崎直孝・小菅健 粕谷貴司・ランドスケープ:向山雅之・蓑茂雄二郎・作業所長:前田義光施工:竹中・日本建設共同企業体敷地面積:26083.84㎡(本体計画) 24700.00㎡(修景計画)建築面積:11498.73㎡延床面積:44480.01 ㎡構造:RC造 一部SRC・S造階数:地下1階 地上4階工期:2009.8~2012.1The original Daiichi Life Insurance Company, Ltd. Ohi Office Building represented a revolutionary approach to national land development and enabled the building to transcend its conventional "back office" role. For the first reorganization of the office in half a century, execution of the principles of the original revolutionary "Garden City concept" was proposed in a new prototype for a suburban back office that is integrated with the landscape. The rich natural environment was used as the major source of the design, and energy-conserving technologies organized around the concept of passive control were used to reduce CO2 emissions by 55%. A central courtyard rich in greenery and deep balconies and other environmental buffer zones were also used to connect the interior with the exterior. The end result is a rich environment in which people almost feel as if they are working in the middle of a park. (Joji Kurumado)Works12