フランスの修道女会を母体とした女子校の建替計画である。密集市街地にある都市型キャンパスにおいて、周辺地域との関係性に配慮しながら、自然を感じる多様な場を創出し、知性と感性を豊かに育む「学びの場」の創造に取り組んだ。マリア像の立つタワーとリズミカルな開口部により、秩序と多様性を併せ持つ、独自のミッションスクールの表現を目指した。(平岡 健太郎)和歌山信愛中学校 高等学校Wakayama Shin-ai Junior and Senior High SchoolCreation of Places of Learning with Intellectual and Aesthetic Richness知性と感性を豊かにはぐくむ「どこでも学べる」場の創造Owner: Wakayama Shin-ai Girlsl SchoolLocation: Wakayama-shi, Wakayama Main Use:Junior and Senior High SchoolDesign and construction work: Takenaka Corporation·Architects: Megumi Nabetani, Kentaro Hiraoka·Structural: Yukihiro Shimano, Yoshiaki Sawai, and Kazuya Nishio·M&E: Atsushi Kasuya, Hiroaki Nakagawa, and Makoto Hiroe,Satoshi Igarashi·Site manager: Kanji HasebeSite area: 7,567.87 m2Building area: 2,975.01 m2Total floor area: 12,484.91 m2Construction: Reinforced concrete,steel reinforced concrete, and steelNumber of stories: 5 floors above groundConstruction term: April 2010 to February 2013 建築主:学校法人和歌山信愛女学院所在地:和歌山県和歌山市主要用途:中学校、高等学校設計施工:竹中工務店・設計:鍋谷めぐみ・平岡健太郎・構造:島野幸弘・澤井祥晃・西尾和哉・設備:粕谷敦・中川浩明 ・廣江誠人 五十嵐賢・作業所長:長谷部完司敷地面積:7,567.87㎡建築面積:2,975.01㎡延床面積:12,484.91㎡構造:RC造・SRC造・S造階数:地上5階工期:2010.4~2013.2This project involved the reconstruction of a women's junior and senior high school that is affiliated with a French order of nuns. On the urban-style campus, located in a crowded downtown area, the aim was to produce a diversity of settings where students can sense nature, and to create a place of learning where students can nurture both their intellects and their sensibilities while maintaining ties with the surrounding community. The tower with its statue of the Virgin Mary and the rhythmical placement of apertures produce both order and diversity and create a unique mission school.(Kentaro Hiraoka)来客用エントランスホール27ステンドグラスの光につつまれる階段室26Works24