
津波を極力受け流す架構計画九十九里の田園風景の中、園児たち200人が集うこども園の計画である。東日本大震災を受けて山武市は、沿岸の4つの幼稚園と保育所を海岸から離れた敷地に移転・統合することを決定、早期に事業を完了すべく実施された設計施工コンペを経て、2013年に開園した。円弧を描く大屋根の中心に二層吹抜けの遊戯室を配し、屋上を津波からの避難スペースとした。日頃から園児たちの活動の場となる立体的な回遊動線が、非常時には避難経路として機能する。(佐藤 琢)しらはたこども園 Shirahata Child InstitutionProtecting Children from Tsunamis津波から子どもたちを守るOwner: Sammu CityLocation: Sammu-shi, Chiba Main Use: Nursery,KindergartenDesign and construction work: Takenaka Corporation·Architects: Hideto Motomura, Hiroki Ito, Taku Sato and Ken Kajimura·Structural: Hiroshi Wakabayashi, Akihisa Yamamoto·M&E: Naoaki Suzuki, Rui Takizawa·Site manager: Tatsuhiko KawabataSite area: 9,727.26 m2Building area: 2,931.90 m2Total floor area: 2,611.61 m2Construction: Mixed Steel and reinforced concreteNumber of stories: 2 floors above groundConstruction term: Jury 2012 to March 2013建築主:山武市所在地:千葉県山武市主要用途:保育所・幼稚園設計施工:竹中工務店・設計:本村英人・伊藤宏樹 佐藤琢・梶村健・構造:若林博・山本章起久・設備:鈴木尚昭・瀧澤塁・作業所長:川邉辰彦敷地面積:9,727.26㎡建築面積:2,931.90㎡延床面積:2,611.61㎡構造:RC造・一部S造階数:地上2階工期:2012.7~2013.3The objective of this project was to build a nursery school in the midst of a pastoral landscape in Kujukuri, Chiba Prefecture that can accommodate 200 children. In the aftermath of the Great East Japan Earthquake of March 2011, the city of Sanmu decided to move and integrate four coastal kindergartens and nursery schools to a site located away from the coast. Following a design and construction competition whose goal was rapid completion of the project, the new facility was opened in 2013. In the center of the large roof, which forms an arc, a playroom with a 2-story-high ceiling was arranged, with a space on the rooftop where the children can be evacuated in the event of a tsunami. The flow lines of vertical movement that are used in daily activities also function as an evacuation route in the event of an emergency. (Taku Sato)200人が避難できる屋上広場30乾式壁RC壁津波の流れWorks26

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