
回廊より保育室入口を見る34保育室前テラス33The nursery rooms are placed around the corridor, covered by a gently stretching inclined roof. The outer eaves, placed low at a child's-eye view, block the summer sun, while gentle natural lighting streams down from the high windows on the corridor side. The lattice doors on the corridor side allow the breezes in; opening the floor-level windows on the playground side allows the breeze to flow out along the floor over the children while they are taking their afternoon nap. (Ken Kajimura)Nursery rooms open to the breeze風が抜ける保育室 回廊のまわりに保育室を配し、伸びやかな勾配屋根を架けた。子供のスケールに合わせて低く抑えた外周部の軒庇が夏の日差しを遮り、回廊側の高窓からは柔らかな自然光が降り注いでいる。回廊側の建具には通風のための格子戸を組み込み、園庭側の地窓を開けると、午睡する園児たちの上を床面にそって風が抜ける。(梶村 健)Works28

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