現代的・古典的要素の対峙・共存SITE PLAN S=1:2000古典的な要素による低層部のデザイン03Juxtaposition and coexistence of modern and classical elements遠景を意識した建物全体の架構構成に対し、人々の視線により近い近景としての低層部分においては、各部のディテールを意識した。14mに渡り枝分かれするCFT分岐柱を内外装に視覚化し、建築の存在感を示す一方、その周囲に用いるディテールには、「手触り」「やわらかさ」といった表情を持つ、従来の超高層建築には見られない素材・形状を配置した。古典的なボキャブラリーによる表層と、現代的な素材・構成による要素を対峙・共存させ、経済原理に基づく現代の惰性的な超高層建築モデルから退き、「都市の中の個」としての建築主の想いを形に込めた。(福西 英知)In contrast to the frame structure of the building as a whole, which was created with an awareness of how the building would appear from distant locations, the lower floor sections are designed considering that they will be viewed from close up, so care was taken with the detail work in each section. Plainly visible branched concrete-filled-tube columns are placed at 14 m intervals on both interior and exterior. These enhance the building’s presence, while at the same time the detail work on their periphery expresses texture and softness and represents materials and shapes not seen in conventional super high-rise buildings. The classical “vocabulary” of the surface is both contrasted and coexistent with the modern materials and composition, departing from the inertia of modern skyscrapers that are based on economic principles. It is an embodiment of the architect’s concept of “individuality in the middle of the city.” (Eichi Fukunishi)Works08N