
RESIDNCE FLOOR PLAN S=1:1000リビング夜景、奥行の深いバルコニーをもったコーナーリビング04全戸に配したビューバス夜景05天空の邸宅A mansion in the sky中間免震フロアの直上階にスカイラウンジを設け、東京タワーと対峙する北側角に住戸専有のシースルーエレベーターを配した。各住戸は広いバルコニーを持ち、中間住戸にはグリーンガーデンが広がる。十字状の共用廊下は各戸の「邸宅感・プライベート感」を増長させるとともに、共用廊下に集約された設備により、水場移動可能なSI (スケルトン・インフィル)を実現した。インテリアは女性オーナーのイメージを踏襲して、優しい形、柔らかい色調を選定した。(坪根 みさ子)A sky lounge is located on the uppermost floor of the intermediate seismic isolated floor section, and a see-through elevator that is designed for residents only is provided on the north corner, directly opposite Tokyo Tower. Each residence has a spacious balcony, and the residences in the intermediate section have spacious gardens of greenery. The cross-shaped common corridors accentuate the mansion-like, private feel of each apartment, and the equipment is consolidated in the common corridors to create a skeleton infrastructure in which pumping facilities can be relocated. Delicate shapes and soft hues were selected for the interior design to create an environment that would particularly appeal to female owners. (Misako Tsubone) 1.ラウンジ Lounge 2.共用廊下 Corridor  3.住戸 Residence   4.バルコニー Balcony  5.植栽 GardenWorks09N123344555

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