
実業団柔道部の社員寮と柔道場である。外装素材をアルミ、ガラス、セメントパネルに限定し、煩雑になりがちなバルコニーの住設機器を隠蔽することで、複合用途の外観に簡潔さと一体性を与え、企業CIを伝える外装表現を行った。上層階の社員寮は、ワンルーム形式主体の寮室構成となっており、体格に勝る寮生を考慮し扁平薄肉RC架構を採用した上に、仕上材料を徹底して省き、シンプルで最大気積を確保する室内計画とした。下層階の柔道場は、浮造を施した杉板本実型枠のコンクリート仕上による堅固な道場空間として創り込み、一方で素手素足で触れる空間であるため、寮室とは対照的にサクラ等天然素材にこだわった空間とした。(高橋 健人)パーク24目黒寮・目黒道場Park24 Meguro Dormitory & Judo HallA Place of Training with both Flexibility and Stiffness柔・剛を兼ね備える鍛錬の場Owner: Park24 Co., Ltd.Location: Meguro-ku, Tokyo Main Use: Residence, Judo Hall, ShopDesign and construction work: Takenaka Corporation·Architects: Noboru Sakou, Takehito Takahashi and Yumiko Matsubara·Structural: Koji Murata, Takashi Ohshima and Koji Yamamoto·M&E: Dai Kawarai, Kenichi Inoue·Site manager: Yoshihiko Hijikata, Fujio KoyamaSite area: 729.90m2Building area: 496.07m2Total floor area: 2,337.05m2Construction: Reinforced concrete, Steel reinforced concrete, SteelNumber of stories: 6 floors above ground plus 1 basement floorConstruction term: September 2011 to September 2012建築主:パーク24 株式会社所在地:東京都目黒区主要用途:共同住宅・運動施設・店舗設計施工:竹中工務店・設計:酒向昇・高橋健人・松原祐美子・構造:村田耕司・大嶋隆・山本耕司・設備:川原井大・井上憲一・作業所長:土方吉彦・小山富士夫敷地面積:729.90㎡建築面積:496.07㎡延床面積:2,337.05㎡構造:RC造・SRC造・S造階数:地下1階 地上6階工期:2011.9~2012.9SECTION S=1:500SITE PLAN S=1:2500柔道場のスケールと現代的な企業CIを伝える外観10Works14555555678215This is a dormitory for the members of the company judo club and a dojo (training place). By limiting the façade materials to aluminum, glass, and cement panels, and concealing the balcony domestic equipment which tends to be complex, a neat and integrated external appearance was given to the multiple use building, and a façade was provided that expressed the corporate identity.The employee dormitories on the higher floors are laid out as one room dormitories. Taking into consideration the greater body build of the dormitory residents, a flat thin-walled RC structure was adopted without finishing materials, to give a simple arrangement within the rooms with the maximum air volume per person. The judo dojo on the lower floor was constructed as a sturdy dojo space in concrete with cedar panel formwork with raised grain finish, and on the other hand as this was a space for contact with bare fist and bare feet, natural materials such as cherry timber, etc., were used, in contrast to the dormitory rooms.(Takehito Takahashi)平和通り商店街N

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