
虫の音や野鳥のさえずりが聞こえる、豊かな自然に囲まれた六甲山に立つ保養所である。平日は保健セミナーの研修所として、週末は保養所として多くの人に利用され、知識の習得と被保険者同士の繋がりを深める施設である。自然に溶け込むように分化した建築群を、中庭を囲む回廊で繋げ、森の中を散策するように利用者が自然と一体となるような建築空間を創出している。(鞆野 淳司+原田 千賀子)保養研修所 六甲山荘Rokko mountain villaA space existing together with nature自然と共に在る空間Owner: Health Insurance Societies of Kawasaki Heavy IndustriesLocation: Nada-ku, Kobe-shi, Hyogo Main Use: VillaDesign supervisor: NTT FACILITIESDesign work: NTT FACILITIES, Takenaka Corporation·Architects: Tetsuo Kawai, Junji Tomono·Structual: Hiroyuki Ueda, Yoshinori Matsubara·Interior: Haruo Naka, Chikako HaradaConstruction work: Takenaka Corporation·Site manager: Katsumi TanakaSite area: 23,480.02 m2Building area: 2,761.71 m2Total floor area: 4,683.3 m2Construction: Steel reinforced concrete, steelNumber of stories: 2 floors above graound plus 1basement floorConstruction term: February 2012 to January 2013 建建築主:川崎重工業健康保険組合所在地:兵庫県神戸市灘区主要用途:保養所デザイン監修: NTTファシリティーズ設計:NTTファシリティーズ   竹中工務店・設計:河合哲夫・鞆野淳司・構造:上田博之・松原由典・意匠:仲晴男・原田千賀子施工:竹中工務店作業所長:田中克己敷地面積:23,480.02㎡建築面積:2,761.71㎡延床面積:4,683.3㎡構造:SRC・S造階数:地下1階 地上2階工期:2012.2~2013.1This mountain villa is located on Mt. Rokko, in a lush setting surrounded by abundant greenery with birds chirping and insects buzzing. On weekdays, it is used as a training center for health-related seminars, and on weekends many people use it as a recreation facility. In this way, the facility is used to acquire knowledge and deepen ties among insurance holders. The buildings in the group are separated from each other so they can be integrated into the natural setting and connected by a corridor circling the central courtyard. The result is an architectural space that ensures that users move between facilities as if they were strolling through the forest, helping them to become one with nature. (Junji Tomono, Chikako Harada)SITE PLAN S=1:2000 1.エントランス棟 Entrance house 2.宿泊棟 Residence house   3.アメニティ棟 Amenity house   4.浴室棟 Bath houseSECTION S=1:600Works20N5113442222222256244 5.会議棟 Meeting house 6.支配人室 Manager room 7.中庭 Courtyard

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