
広い共用廊下を活内湯・露天の湯面と弥六沼の水面が連続し、広がりを感じさせるかした溜りの空間27All of the guest rooms located on the Mt. Bandai side have been renovated as Western-style rooms. Open-style washbasin areas have been provided to enable visitors to see the view the moment they enter the room, creating the type of open living design that only a resort environment can provide. New hot water panel heaters have been installed beneath the windows to eliminate cold drafts in the wintertime, and synergy with the reinforced concrete external thermal insulation improves room heating comfort. In the new bath house, the surface of bath water overlaps each other on the water of the nature marsh, enabling visitors to literally “immerse” themselves in the natural setting. The ceiling both inside an outside is decorative exposed cedar-plank formwork to give a similar appearance to the natural material. A “ball-void slab” with no beam forms was used for the roof, and the edges of the eaves are supported at 8-meter intervals by ultra-thin solid steel columns to ensure a sweeping view and frame the view of Mt. Bandai. (Seki Akihiro)One with nature自然に溶け込む住空間磐梯山側の客室は全て洋室に改修し、洗面コーナーをオープンとしたことで客室に入った瞬間に眺望が得られ、リゾートの住空間ならではの開放感を感じることができる。窓下には新たに温水パネルヒーターを設置して冬季のコールドドラフトを防止し、RC外断熱との相乗効果で熱環境的にも客室の快適性を向上させている。増築した温浴棟は湯面が沼の水面に連続し、自然に溶け込んだようなくつろぎ感が得られる。天井面は内外共に杉板型枠化粧打放し仕上げとし、自然に近い素材感を持たせている。屋根は梁型のないボールボイドスラブを用い、軒先は極細の鉄骨無垢柱で8mスパンを支持して広がりのある視界を確保し、磐梯山の景観を切り取っている。(碩 昭博) 1.浴室ホール Hall 2.脱衣室 Dressing room 3.浴室 Bathroom 4.露天風呂 Open-air bathSECTION S=1:500Works261234

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