
ジェームス邸JAMES-TEIConnecting the memories of time with the next generation時の記憶を次世代に繋ぐOwner: Novarese Co., Ltd.Location: Kobe-shi, Hyogo Main Use: place for the weddingDesign and construction work: Takenaka Corporation·Architects: Hiroshi Arita, Keisuke Nakamura, and Kaori Saitou·Interior: Masaya Imanishi, Makoto Koike·Structural: Takashi Nishizaki, Yasuhiko Yamashita, and Masaru Kokonno·M&E: Atsushi Kasuya, Yamazaki Shougo, and Satoru Igarashi·Site manager: Takurou Nakahara, Norio Nogawa, and Makoto YamazakiSite area: 12,795.30 m²Building area: 1,777.42 m²Total floor area: 2,503.75 m²Construction: (James-Tei) Mixed reinforced concrete and wood (Banque, Cape) SteelNumber of stories: (James-Tei) 2 floors above ground plus 1 basement floor (Banquet) 2 floors above ground(Capel) 1 floors above grounConstruction term: June 2012 to December 2012 建築主:株式会社ノバレーゼ所在地:兵庫県神戸市主要用途:ウエディング施設(集会所)設計施工:竹中工務店・設計:有田博・中村圭祐・齋藤華織・意匠:今西雅也・小池誠・構造:西崎隆氏・山下靖彦・爰野将児・設備:粕谷敦・山崎将吾・五十嵐賢・作業所長:中原卓郎・野川順雄・山崎誠敷地面積:12,795.30㎡建築面積:1,777.42㎡延床面積:2,503.75㎡構造:(ジェームス邸) RC造一部W造   (バンケット・チャペル) S造階数:(ジェームス邸) 地下1階、  地上2階、塔屋2階   (バンケット) 地上2階   (チャペル) 地上1階工期:2012.6~2012.12The James-tei (James residence) was built in 1934 as a private residence by E.W. James, an English trading merchant who developed the Shioya area as a residential district for foreigners. (Design and construction: Takenaka Corporation) In the renovation, a new scheme was applied, which permits examples of the rapidly disappearing modern architecture to be converted to sustainable and enduring structures, and does not depend on public subsidies to do so. The 80-year-old structure will be used as a house wedding facility. However, the site is zoned as a Class 1 Exclusive Residential District, so use of the building for purposes other than as a residence is restricted. As it had become difficult to maintain the building over a period of many years as a residence, a new operating scheme that did not depend on individual and corporate contributions was needed. The main building, which is rich in historical value, was designated a cultural asset by the City of Kobe and was exempted from the legal requirements of the Building Standards Law. After public hearings were held to explain the plan to neighboring residents and approval had been obtained from the building review board, it was decided to construct two new buildings (a chapel and a banquet hall) for the holding of weddings.(Keisuke Nakamura)ジェームス邸は塩屋地域一帯を外国人住宅地として開発したイギリス人貿易商E.W.ジェームスが1934年に自邸とした邸宅(設計施工:竹中工務店 早良俊夫)である。80年を経てハウスウエディング施設として邸宅の持続的存続が実現した。 建築地は第一種住居専用地域で住宅以外の用途が制限される。住宅のままで長年維持していくことが難しくなり、個人や会社負担に頼らない新たな事業スキームが必要になった。歴史的価値の高い「本館」は神戸市の文化財に指定して建築基準法の法規制外とし、公聴会を通じた近隣住民への説明や建築審査会の同意を得て事業上必要な新築建物(チャペル・バンケット棟)を建築した。神戸市、所有者、事業者、設計施工者が一体となってジェームス邸の歴史的価値を近隣住民と共有し、存続する仕組みが構築されたことは価値が高く、今後も長く存続することを望む。(中村 圭祐)スパニッシュスタイルのジェームス邸の軒高さと、竜山石の石積みの基壇に高さを合わせたバンケット棟29既存照明をモチーフとしたシャンデリアのある階段室30Works28

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