
水盤に浮かぶチャペル棟33チャペルは繊細な構造・空調床下化・ガラスの外装によって庭園に透け込ませた32 a.新築建物 b.利用する文化財 (文化財指定2012.2) c.利用しない文化財 d.利用しない既存建物邸宅の景観に溶け込むデザインDesign that integrates the mansion into the landscape邸宅はスパニッシュスタイルで庭園のある海側は竜山石の石積で構成されている。文化財指定については改修履歴調査のほか耐震性調査、耐震改修、防災計画書、防災改修を実施し、安全性を高め、EV設置や厨房設備の更新等、必要最小限の改修と、家具・照明・床材などはオリジナルの復元に努めた。事業上必要な新築建物は邸宅の各階に高さを合わせ低く調和するよう景観に配慮した。庭園内にあるチャペルは空調機の床下化による100φの柱で構成した繊細な構造体や、周囲をガラスで構成することで、景観に透けこみ水盤で瀬戸内海と繋がる。バンケットは濃色の外装や開口部の映り込みにより存在感を低減し、庭園の木々や滝を設けた既存のパーゴラに隠れるよう配慮している。(中村 圭祐)In order to have the building designated as a cultural asset, the renovation history was studies. In addition, an earthquake safety was studied and a disaster readiness plan prepared. Then the building was renovated to improve disaster preparedness and safety. The elevator facilities and the kitchen facilities were also renewed. Throughout this process, renovations were kept to a minimum and every effort was made to restore the building to its original condition. To ensure that the new structures would blend in with the historical structure, their height was matched to the eaves height and stone wall of the main building. The banquet hall was laid out among the trees on the site of the former pool, and the roof of the existing building that is located between the banquet hall and the courtyard was converted into a pond to gently connect the two structures. The chapel is invariably visible when the Seto Inland Sea is viewed from the main building, but its presence was minimized to the greatest degree possible by placing the air conditioning system beneath the floor and by using a slender 100ø structure that allows the gaze to focus on the courtyard.(Keisuke Nakamura)SITE PLAN S=1:2000NWorks30aaCbbbdd

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