
演出家、鈴木忠志氏が1966年に劇団「早稲田小劇場」を結成した商店街に面する間口7m、奥行15mの小さな計画地に、次世代に演劇文化を繋ぐ学生のための72席の芝居小屋再建計画である。総勢800名の演劇サークルが週替りで準備・公演を繰り返す演劇文化実体験の場として、劇場の「仮設性」に着目し、舞台演出に用いられる48.6Φの単管を、ホール内外に展開し、自在に演出可能な余白を用意した。街と舞台を繋ぐ道行きを外部化したテラス状のホワイエは、幕開けを想起するスクリーンルーバーを通して、来客・演者が街と見え隠れする奥行き感のある関係を築き、日常と非日常をつなぐ舞台となる。ハレとケを行き交う学生たちの活動は、街に新たな賑わいを生み、演劇の街「早稲田」の未来を繋ぐ。(大石 卓人)早稲田小劇場どらま館WASEDA SHOGEKIJO DRAMA-KAN THEATERPlayhouse for students who love the theater演劇を愛する学生のための芝居小屋Owner: Waseda UniversityLocation: Shinjyuku, Tokyo Main Use: TheaterDesign and construction work: Takenaka Corporation·Architects: Akio Chatani, Takuto Oishi, Haruka Fuji and Syuhei Ito·Structural: Masahiro Hoshino, Yu Obayashi·M&E: Kyoichi Watanabe, Satoru Kubosawa·Site manager: Fumiaki SugawaraSite area: 121.96m2Building area: 111.35m2Total floor area: 231.06m2Construction: SteelNumber of stories: 4 floors above groundConstruction term: June 2014 to February 2015建築主:学校法人 早稲田大学所在地:東京都新宿区主要用途:劇場設計施工:竹中工務店・設計:茶谷明男・大石卓人    藤晴香・伊藤周平・構造:星野正宏・大林優・設備:渡邊恭一・久保沢哲・作業所長:菅原文明敷地面積:121.96㎡建築面積:111.35㎡延床面積:231.06㎡構造:S造階数:地上4階工期:2014.6~2015.2This project involved the reconstruction of a small 72-seat theater for the students who will embody the next generation of theatre culture. It was built on a tiny site with a frontage of 7 meters and a depth of 15 meters, which faces the shopping arcade where the theatre director Tadashi Suzuki founded the Waseda Drama-kan Theater in 1966. Here the 800-member theater club takes turns weekly preparing and presenting theatrical performances to gain experience in the culture of the theatre. The designers focused on the “makeshift” nature of the theatre and placed the 48.6Φ pipes used in stage productions inside and outside the hall to create a blank space that could be used to create any environment. The terrace-like foyer, with the access way connecting the stage and the street placed outside, has screen louvers designed to evoke a curtain opening in order to create a feeling of depth in which the spectators and actors and the street outside glimpse one another only intermittently. The result is a stage that links the ordinary with the extraordinary. The activities of students, which vary between a humdrum existence and special occasions, bring new vibrancy to the area and represent the future of Waseda, an institution that is famous for its connections to theatre. (Takuto Oishi)街と劇場を立体的につなぐアプローチ24スチール製のスクリーンルーバーで構成された早大南門通り側外観231.ホール Hall2.舞台 Stage3.前室 Entry4.テラスホワイエ Terrace Foyer5.売店 Shop6.ロビー Lobby7.楽屋 Dressing Room8.早大南門通り Waseda Nanmon-Dori2F PLAN S=1:400SECTION S=1:400Works221482314276583N

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