
カフェや雑貨店が集まり、若者で賑わう大阪市堀江の四ツ橋筋に面して建つ。西日をまともに受けるロケーションを逆手にとり、自然の光を、ファサードでの応答できれいに街に投げ返そうと考えた。マテリアルとして比率の異なる3種類のカーブを持つアルミ型押材を開発し、ランダムに組み合わせることで、歩行者の視線の移動・太陽の運行・空模様により刻々と変化する光を身に纏う。音楽の特性である時間的変化・ハーモニー・ゆらぎを、外装材に反射する光で奏で、全方位に光を放つ。(森田 昌宏+加藤 慎悟)ヤマハ大阪ビルYamaha OsakaBrilliant envelope光のエンベロープOwner: Yamaha corporationLocation: Osaka-shi, Osaka Main Use: Music school, Music shop, Piano salonDesign and construction work: Takenaka Corporation·Architects: Masahiro Morita, Shingo Katou·Structural: Naomiki Suzuki, Mitsuhiro Okada·Facility: Takashi Shinojima, Muneaki Ohara, and Mitsuo Yamagata·Interior: Yoshitaka Kokaji, Naoko Tsukamoto·Site manager: Yasushi ShimadaSite area: 775.78m2Building area: 704.97m2Total floor area: 5,020.47m2Construction: SteelNumber of stories: 7 floors above groundConstruction term: March 2014 to March 2015建築主:ヤマハ株式会社所在地:大阪府大阪市主要用途:楽器店・ショールーム・音楽教室設計施工:竹中工務店・設計:森田昌宏・加藤慎悟・構造:鈴木直幹・岡田光博・設備:篠島隆司・大原宗明・山形光生・インテリア:小梶吉隆・塚本直子・作業所長:島田 康敷地面積:775.78㎡建築面積:704.97㎡延床面積:5,020.47㎡構造:S造階数:地上7階工期:2014.3~2015.3This building is located on Yotsubashi-suji in the Horie district of Osaka, a place filled with cafes and boutiques and frequented by young people. The location receives the full impact of the sun in the western sky, and the designers decided to turn that around by using the response from the facade to redirect the natural lighting beautifully back to the street. Embossed aluminum members with three types of curves and different material proportions were developed and combined in a random manner to enable the building to don the light that changes constantly in accordance with the movement of the pedestrians gazing at it, the sun as it travels through the sky, and the changing weather conditions. The temporal changes, harmony and fluctuations that are the characteristic of music are released in all directions in the form of dancing light that is reflected by the exterior materials. (Masahiro Morita, Shingo Katou)太陽の光を浴びて発光するエンベロープ283F PLAN S=1:800外装ダイアグラムWorks262431N4a6a3a12a8a165.38165.38165.381peak2peaks3peaks1.ピアノ選定室 Piano selection room  2.ピアノサロン Piano salon 3.ロビー Lobby  4.ホール Hall

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