
東海地区を拠点とする地方銀行、十六銀行の支店新築計画である。計画地周辺には他の銀行が既に複数出店しており、「オリジナリティのある外観」、「周辺環境に根差した建物」が、建築主から要望され、計画地周辺にかつて広がっていた里山の原風景を手掛かりに、その心象を樹形の組柱で実現した。地面から枝分かれして広がる樹形柱は、鉛直荷重だけではなく、地震時の水平力も負担する構造体としている。(安藤 寿孝)十六銀行天白支店The Juroku Bank Tenpaku BranchReconstruction of traditional scenery原風景の再構Owner: The Juroku Bank, Ltd.Location: Nagoya-shi, Aichi Main Use: BankDesign and construction work: Takenaka Corporation·Architects:Kiyokazu Otake, Takashi Nakaya and Toshitaka Ando·Structural: Mitsuo Asano, Tatsushi Ishiyama·M&E: Hirotaka Konishi, Takeshi Matsumura and Shigeki Kanemoto·Site manager: Toyokazu Imai Site area: 1251.05m2Building area: 437.10m2Total floor area: 590.26m2Construction: SteelNumber of stories: 2 floors above groundConstruction term: August 2014 to March 2015建築主:株式会社十六銀行所在地:愛知県名古屋市主要用途:銀行設計施工:竹中工務店・設計:大嶽清和・中屋隆史・安藤寿孝・構造:浅野三男・石山達志・設備:小西弘高・松村武志・金本薫希・作業所長:今井豊和敷地面積:1251.05㎡建築面積:437.10㎡延床面積:590.26㎡構造:S造階数:地上2階工期:2014.8~2015.3This project involved the construction of a new branch of the Juroku Bank, a local bank centered in the Tokai region. There were already several branches of other banks in the area around the site, and the owner wanted an “exterior that possesses originality” and “a building that is rooted in the surrounding environment.” The designers took their inspiration from the original scenery of an expanse of undeveloped woodland that had existed at the site and environs, and they endeavored to recreate this imagery using tree-like connected columns. The tree-like columns that branch out from the ground are actually structural members that are designed to bear not only the vertical load but also the horizontal force in the event of an earthquake. (Toshitaka Ando)1F PLAN S=1:8001.ロビー Lobby2.ATMコーナー ATM corner3.営業室 Banking hall4.応接室 Reception roomWorks281234N

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