
52年間歌舞伎町のシンボルだったコマ劇場跡地の再開発として、新宿区・地元振興組合・事業主東宝が連携し、新たな街の賑わい創出を目指したプロジェクトである。国際都市SHINJUKUとして更なる集客を目指し、低層階に都心最大級のシネマコンプレックスを、高層階に1000室規模のホテルをスタッキングした都市機能の集積と同時に、街の目抜き通りであるセントラルロード再整備を行った。新宿駅東口からの軸線上に強い吸引力を持ったランドマークとして、高さ130Mの光のタワーを配置し、歌舞伎町ならではの夜の景観づくりを行った。光のタワーと同期演出された光のゲートを通り入口に新設することによって、靖国通りを渡る人の流れを強化することを試みた。(宮下 信顕+関谷 和則)新宿東宝ビルSHINJUKU TOHO BUILDINGCreating vibrancy centering on the street and the commercial facility商業施設と通りを核とした街の賑わい創出Owner: Toho Co.,LtdLocation: Shinjyuku-ku, Tokyo Main Use: Hotel, Movie theater, StoreDesign and construction work: Takenaka Corporation·Architects: Fujio Ochiai, Nobuaki Miyashita, Kazunori Sekiya, Kazuho Takashima, and Kouichiro Yoshimoto·Structural: Takaaki Hiroshige, Masahiro Hoshino, Kei Muto, and Shoko Okamura·M&E: Kyoichi Wtanabe, and Yuhi Sonoda·Site manager: Eichi HamajimaSite area: 5,590.65m2Building area: 4,214.10m2Total floor area: 54,735.31m2Construction: Steel and Steel reinforced concreteNumber of stories: 30 floors above ground and2 penthouse floor plus 1 basement floorConstruction term: September 2012 to March 2015建築主:東宝株式会社所在地:東京都新宿区主要用途:ホテル・映画館・店舗設計施工:竹中工務店・設計:落合藤雄・宮下信顕・関谷和則・    高嶋一穂・吉本晃一朗・構造:廣重隆明・星野正宏・    武藤肇・岡村祥子・設備:渡部恭一・園田雄飛・作業所長:浜島英一敷地面積:5,590.65㎡建築面積:4,214.10㎡延床面積:54,735.31㎡構造:S造・SRC造階数:地下1階 地上30階 塔屋2階工期:2012.7~2015.3This project involved redeveloping the site of the former Koma Theater that had been a symbol of Shinjuku’s Kabuki-cho district for 52 years. It was an effort to bring new vibrancy to the area through the collaborative efforts of Shinjuku Ward, the local area development and promotion cooperative and the owner, Toho Co., Ltd. With the goal of attracting more visitors to the cosmopolitan community of Shinjuku, the project entailed placing one of Tokyo’s largest cinema complexes on the lower floors and placing a hotel with approximately 1000 rooms on the upper floors, thereby centralizing urban functions and redeveloping Central Road, the area’s main thoroughfare. A 130-meter-high illuminated tower was placed on the axis leading from the east entrance of Shinjuku Station to serve as a powerful landmark to draw people to the facility, and to create the kind of nighttime scenery that is unique to Kabuki-cho. The placement of an illuminated gate at the entrance to the street at around the same time as the construction of the illuminated tower was designed to intensify the flow of people crossing Yasukuni-dori. (Nobuaki Miyashita, Kazunori Sekiya)Works06

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