
知のハニカム外観:個人研究室の知の集積を表現04The façade is an environmental outer skin that expresses the interior function, providing an appearance that allows the functional configuration of the university to be easily envisaged. The concourse of the low rise part has a glass façade with a large overhang or terrace like a veranda, and the large classrooms have a façade having the function of controlling the interior line of sight and shading the sunlight, like a grove of trees. The research zone in the high rise part on the east face has a glass façade opening towards the park side, and the staff research rooms in the wings on the north and south sides that are E-shaped in plan have an undulating façade with rectangular units that represent individual units expressing the accumulation of knowledge.(Tsukasa Nagai, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Hiroshi Iwasaki)Environmental Outer Skin that Expresses the Interior Function内部機能を表出した環境外皮外装は、内部機能を表出した環境外皮とし、大学の機能構成がイメージしやすい佇まいとした。低層部のコンコースは縁側のような大庇・テラスがあるガラス外装、大教室は杜の木立のような内部の視線操作や日射遮蔽の機能を持たせた外装とした。高層部の東面の研究ゾーンは公園側に開いたガラス外装とし、E型平面のウイングの南北面の教員研究室は知の集積を表現した個の単位を示す正方形ユニットのユラギのある外装とした。(永井 務+中川 博之+岩﨑 宏 )1.学舎棟 Building of Student2.市街地整備施設 Building of Urban improvement3.食堂棟 Building of Cafeteria4.体育学生棟 Building of Physical Education5.岩倉公園 Iwakura Park6.エネルギーセンター Energy Center7. OICフィールド OIC Field8.空のプラザ Sorano-PlazaSITE PLAN S=1:6000Works08238467751N

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