既存外壁に増し打ちした耐震補強部21本館ロビーの照明は意匠は変えずにLED化22Strengthening construction was carried out on the main school building while it was in use. Seismic retrofit was carried out with an external seismic resistant frame, strengthening with reinforced concrete while reproducing the proportions and details of the external view. The library building was remodelled with a façade to harmonize with the campus landscape, and with the latest structural and services techniques, such as a flat slab structure for increased freedom in the future, underfloor air conditioning, etc.In this way tradition and memories were carefully maintained, reproducing the landscape and buildings that will be popular with the local community for a long time into the future. (Takeshi Sakaguchi)Achieving both Continuity of Tradition and Improvement in Function伝統の継承と機能向上の両立本館は校舎を使いながらの補強工事のため、外郭耐震フレームによる耐震改修とし、外観のプロポーションとディテールを再現した鉄筋コンクリート造補強とした。図書館棟は、キャンパス景観と調和する外観とし、将来の自由度の高いフラットスラブ構造、アンダーフロア空調等、最新の構造・設備を備えた校舎に建替えた。伝統や思い出を大切に継承し、これからも長きにわたって地域に親しまれる景観と建築を再生することができた。(坂口 武司)1.本館 Main building2.図書館棟 Library building3.ロッカー棟 Locker building4.大学棟 College (building)5.講堂棟 Lecturer hall building1F PLAN S=1:1000ELEVATION S=1:500外郭補強Works2012345N