
N浦安にある公私連携幼保連携型認定こども園。0~5歳児223名の児童の保育室・遊戯室・園庭の他に、プールや共用スペースを加え、学校の建学精神「自調・自考」を具現化し、子供達自らが“からだとこころを育む”環境創出を意図した。外観は、南西は日射と道路側のプライバシーを守る人工木ルーバーの象徴的なファサード、北西は公園の緑の海に停泊する客船の様なシルエット、夕景には内部のアクティビティーが浮かび上がって来る。(佐田野 剛)渋谷教育学園浦安こども園Shibuya Kyoiku Gakuen Urayasu KindergartenA Ship Floating in GreenみどりにうかぶふねOwner: SHIBUYA KYOUIKUGAKUENLocation: Urayasu-shi, Chiba Main Use: KindergartenDesign and construction work: Takenaka Corporation·Architects: Yoshiki Mizuno, Tsuyoshi Sadano and Hiroshi Yakushiji·Structural: Masahiro Hoshino,Toshiaki Itoh and Sachiko Okamura·M&E: Naoaki Suzuki, Tohru Yoshida·Site manager: Junichi Katoh(Shinnihonkensetu)Site area: 2,301.94m2Building area: 1,369.73m2Total floor area: 2,645.82m2Construction: SteelNumber of stories: 3 floorConstruction term: June 2014 to March 2015建築主:学校法人渋谷教育学園所在地:千葉県浦安市主要用途:こども園設計:竹中工務店・設計:水野吉樹・佐田野剛・薬師寺浩・構造:星野正宏・伊藤利明・岡村祥子・設備:鈴木尚昭・吉田徹・施工:新日本建設敷地面積:2,301.94㎡建築面積:1,369.73㎡延床面積:2,645.82㎡構造:S造階数:地上3階工期:2014.6~2015.3A Kindergarten by Public-Private Cooperation in UrayasuAn environment has been created where the children themselves “nurture their bodies and minds”, with classrooms, playrooms, playgrounds, a pool, and common space for 223 children aged 0 to 5 years old, embodying the founding spirit of the school “investigating for oneself, and thinking for oneself”. The external appearance on the south-west side is produced by a timber louver symbolic façade to shield sunlight and protect privacy on the road side, on the north-west the silhouette resembles a passenger cruise ship moored in the sea of green of the park, and in the evening view the activities inside rise up. (Tsuyoshi Sadano)人工木ルーバーで日射制御・プライバシーを確保した正面外観(南西面)321.玄関 Entrance2.事務室 Office3.保育室 Nursery Room4.プール Pool5.公園 Park1F PLAN S=1:1000Works282135334

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