
Works26森本倉庫ビル事業50周年を記念するオフィスビルである。阪神・淡路大震災の経験を踏まえ「安心・安全」に配慮し免震構造とし、Pca柱梁の外殻架構よる柱型のない整形なオフィス空間を実現した。敷地南側に建つ南館と地下接続をすることで地上に表れる搬入導線をなくし、地上面の建物4周を公開空地として街に開放した。阪神・淡路大震災により解体を余儀なくされた旧北館・南館・西館で統一された街並みを1999年に再建した南館の外装デザインと統一することによって、ツインビルとして三ノ宮駅前の新しい景観を創出した。(中村 圭祐 + 足立 裕己)三宮ビル北館SANNOMIYA BUILDING NORTHOwner: Morimoto WarehouseLocation: chuo-ku, Kobe City, Hyogo Main Use:OfficeDesign and construction work: Takenaka Corporation·Architects: Arita Hiroshi, Yoshifumi Miyazawa,Keisuke Nakamura, and Yuuki Adachi·Structural: Yasuhiko Yamashita, Hiroyuki Masuda,and Masaru Kokonno·M&E: Muneaki Ohara, Minori Imayoshi·Site manager: Toshikazu YamanoSite area: 1,880.35m2Building area: 1,303.05m2Total floor area: 18,676.12m2Construction:Construction: Reinforced concreteNumber of stories: 2 floors under ground, 13floors above ground, and 1penthouse floorConstruction term: December 2013 to November 2015建築主:森本倉庫株式会社所在地:兵庫県神戸市中央区主要用途:事務所設計施工:竹中工務店・設計:有田博・宮澤芳文    中村圭祐・足立裕己・構造:山下靖彦・増田寛之・爰野将児・設備:大原宗明・今吉実記・作業所長:山野敏一敷地面積:1,880.35㎡建築面積:1,303.05㎡延床面積:18,676.12㎡構造:RC造・S造 (免震)階数:地下2階 地上13階 塔屋1階工期:2013.12~2015.11PLAN S=1:1200This office building was constructed to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Morimoto Warehouse Building Project. Based on the experience of the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake of 1995, a seismic isolation structure was used to ensure safety and security. An outer shell skeleton of precast concrete columns and beams was used to achieve regularly-shaped office spaces with no protruding columns. The building is connected underground with the south building located on the south side of the site, eliminating aboveground access routes and enabling all four sides of the aboveground building to be open to the surrounding area as a public site. The exterior design was integrated with the south building that was reconstructed in 1999 to integrate the former north, south and west buildings that had to be torn down in the aftermath of the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake. The result is the creation of a new twin building cityscape in front of Sannomiya Station. (Keisuke Nakamura, Yuuki Adachi)1階エレベーターホール25人感昼光センサーやデジカント空調を採用した躯体PC化による柱型のない省エネルギーオフィス241.事務室 Office2. EVロビー EV LobbyOffice building with an outer shell skeleton of precast concrete panels laid with tiles to eliminate protruding columnsタイル打込み躯体Pca外殻架構による柱型のないオフィス北館南館NN21

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