
Works06地域の方々に親しまれる身近な金融機関として地域経済の発展と繁栄に貢献するため、都市に対し開放的であると同時に地震・津波に強い建築を目指した。鉄筋コンクリート造免震外殻構造を採用し、柱と梁を同じ厚さで統一したシンプルなフラットプレート架構とすることで、内部では高いフレキシビリティーを確保しながら、外観の高い透明性と堅牢性の両立を実現した。(千賀 順)銚子商工信用組合本店Choshi Shoko Credit Union Head OfficeTransparent yet tough透明さと堅牢さを併せ持つ建築Owner: Choshi Shoko Credit Union Location: Choshi-shi, Chiba Main Use: Office, BankDesign and construction work: Takenaka CorporationConstruction work: Takenaka Corporation,Okadadoken Corporation and Daisho Corporation ·Architects: Hideki Bouda and Sunao Chiga·Structural: Hiroyuki Matsuzaki, Toshiaki Itou,and Hideyuki Itou·M&E: Kouji Tanaka and Kenta Saitou·Site manager: Tatsuhiko KawabeSite area: 1,111.13m2Building area: 696.24m2Total floor area: 2,955.14m2Construction: Reinforced concreteNumber of stories: 5 floors above groundConstruction term: May 2015 to April 2016建築主:銚子商工信用組合所在地:千葉県銚子市東芝町主要用途:事務所・銀行店舗設計:竹中工務店・設計:帽田秀樹・千賀順・構造:松崎裕之・伊藤利明・伊藤英幸・設備:田中宏治・齋藤謙太施工:竹中工務店・岡田土建・   大勝建設 共同企業体・作業所長:川邉辰彦敷地面積:1,111.13㎡建築面積:696.24㎡延床面積:2,955.14㎡構造:RC造階数:地上5階工期:2015.5~2016.4The goal of this project was to create a building that would be open to the city and at the same time tough enough to withstand earthquakes and tsunamis, in order to enable the Credit Union Head Office to contribute to the development and prosperity of the local economy as a familiar and trusted local financial institution. A seismically isolated outer shell structure of reinforced concrete was used, in addition to a simple flat plate skeleton made up of beams and girders of the same thickness. This provided a great deal of flexibility to the interior and achieve both a highly transparent facade and a sturdy structure. (Sunao Chiga)外装ディテール1.事務室 Office2.会議室 Meeting room3.テラス Terrace4.大ホール Hall5.食堂 Cafeteria6.営業室 Banking hall

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