
Works26六甲の山並みを望み、敷地内にも豊かな緑を持つ恵まれた環境で、集合教育ではなく園児自らが自由に遊び学ぶ「モンテッソーリ教育」の場として、子どもたちのさまざまな活動を促す多様な居場所を持つ幼稚園を目指した。保育室を分棟かつ雁行配置することによって、子どもたちの活動のきっかけとなるような大小さまざまな居場所を園内につくり出すとともに、周囲の住宅のスケールに馴染むよう配慮した。分棟配置によって生まれたすき間は、山や空などの景色の抜けを体感できる空間であるとともに、光や風の通り道として、周囲の豊かな自然を感じる場所となる。人や自然を想う気持ちを育み、豊かな心を醸成する園舎を創出した。(齋藤 華織)神戸海星女子学院マリア幼稚園Kobe Kaisei Maria KindergartenOwner: Kaisei-Joshi-gakuinLocation: Nishinomiya-shi, HyougoMain Use: kindergartenDesign and construction work: Takenaka Corporation·Architects: Shigehiko Ohira, Takeshi Sakaguchi,and Kaori Saitou·Structural: Naoki Suzuki, Kazuhiro Ohnuma,and Yoshinori Serizawa·M&E: Keisuke Hogami, Kazuya Takeda, and Rakuto Yasue·Site manager: Katsumi TanakaSite area: 5,718m2Building area: 1,333m2Total floor area: 1,791m2Construction: Reinforced Concreat, SteelNumber of stories: 2 floors above groundConstruction term: June 2015 to March 2017建築主:学校法人海星女子学院所在地:兵庫県西宮市木津山町主要用途:幼稚園設計施工:竹中工務店・設計:大平滋彦・坂口武司・齋藤華織・構造:鈴木直幹・大沼一広・芹澤好徳・設備:布上亮介・武田和也・安江楽人・作業所長:田中克己敷地面積:5,718㎡建築面積:1,333㎡延床面積:1,791㎡構造:RC造・S造階数:地上2階工期:2015.6~2017.31F PLAN S=1:1200This project aimed to provide a kindergarden having a variety of places that encourage the children to engage in various activities as a place of Montessori education, where the children themselves freely play and learn, and not through group education. It is located in an environment blessed with views of the Rokko mountain range and also having lush greenery within the site. By dividing the classrooms into separate buildings and arranging them in an echelon, flying geese formation, various large and small venues for the children’s activities are produced within the school, and the school blends in with the scale of the surrounding residential area. Gaps formed between the separate buildings produce spaces where the landscape of mountains and sky can be experienced, allow light and wind to pass through, and enable the surrounding natural greenery to be enjoyed. A school has been created that can nurture individuals and their feelings towards nature, and produce big hearts. (Kaori Saitou)Kindergarden with Diverse Occupied Spaces様々な居場所を持つ幼稚園1. 保育園 Norsery School2. 園児用トイレ WC(child)3. 外廊下 Outside Corridor4. 職員室 Staff Room5. 厨房 KitchenNN22431111152222

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