Works08It was important to increase the area of exclusive occupancy of the stores in the commercial establishments, but it was also recognized that simply providing overlapping “target spaces” would not by itself create vitality. To get people to spend long periods of time here, it was essential to create a space that would “stop people in their tracks” with comfortable nooks, places for browsing, locations where you can see all the way through the entire complex from different angles and so on. An effort was made to use architectural techniques to provide vertical connections between these places to create an environment with significant public value. (Hiroshi Kamigouchi)Vertically-placed street-level stores立体的な路面店をつくる店舗の専有面積を最大化し、「目的となる空間」を重ねるだけでは賑わいは生み出せないと考え、利用者各々が多様な居方ができる立体的な「公園」性をもった商環境を心掛けた。気持ちの良い場所、目的もなく居られる場所、全体を見通せる場所を立体的に配置し、それらを建築的仕掛で繋いでいくことで公共性の高い空間づくりを行った。(上河内 浩)街路樹ごと入江状に貫入させたオープンエアプラザ04