Works09To harmonize with the existing buildings, the form of the new hotel buildings are laid out in separate blocks arranged in a “flying geese pattern”. A multi-layered facade is provided incorporating nested floating eaves overhangs about 90 cm below from upper story floor in the guest room buildings. The “edge” (of the roof) produced by this nested facade greatly lowered the center of gravity of the hotel buildings and strengthened the connection between buildings and gardens. In addition, the sense of volume and scale was minimized by lowering the buildings underground by half a story, so that both the hotel buildings and the conserved buildings become part of the landscape. (Tetsuo Harada, Tomoyuki Shirahase)Harmonization with a Historical Building歴史的建造物との調和建物の形態は既存の建物との調和を図るため、雁行・分棟配置し、客室棟では軒庇を上階のFLから約90cm下げることで、浮遊する軒庇が入れ子状に組み込まれた重層的ファサードを設けた。この入れ子ファサードにより生み出された「縁」がホテル棟の重心を大きく下げて建築と庭との関係性を強めるとともに、さらに半層地下にすることでよりボリューム感とスケールを抑え、ホテル棟と保存建物がお互いに風景にもなる。(原田 哲夫 + 白波瀬 智幸)保存庭園や翠紅館越しにホテル客室棟をみる08客室内観09SECTION S=1:2001.客室 Guest Room2.翠紅館 Suikoukan1121