Works12In the conversion, the existing stately Art Deco design was conserved and repaired as much as possible. A modern style was adopted for the new parts to produce harmony by contrast, as a method to enhance the attraction of the old and new. The design concept of the hotel area was “The Department Store”, continuing on the memory of the space that was once a department store, thereby bringing about a new vitality and vibrance. (Takahiro Kido, Takumi Shigeno)Bringing Out the Attraction of the New and Old with Harmonious Contrast新旧の魅力を引き立てる対比的調和コンバージョンにあたり、既存のアールデコ様式の重厚な意匠を極力保存・補修した。新設部分は現代的な表現とすることで対比的に調和させ、新旧の魅力を引き立てる手法を採用した。ホテルエリアは“The Department Hotel”をデザインコンセプトに、かつて百貨店だった空間の記憶を継承し、新たな賑わいと華やかさをもたらしている。(木戸 貴博 + 重野 匠)既存の梁型が垣間見えるフロントロビー126F PLAN S=1:10001.客室 Guests Room2. EVホール・廊下 EV Hall, Corridor 3. BOH BOH 4.レジデンスラウンジ Residents' lounge5.髙島屋オフィス Takashimaya’s OfficeN1551432