Works14ゲストに響くホテルとすることを目指して、金沢らしさとは何かを考えた。それは、21世紀美術館など現代的デザインを創出する新しさと、茶屋町、武家屋敷などの伝統文化の融合にあると考え、メインコンセプトを「伝統と現代の融合」に据え、外観、内観、ランドスケープをこのテーマに沿ってデザインすることで金沢らしいホスピタリティあふれるおもてなし空間の創造を目指した。(中屋 隆史)三井ガーデンホテル金沢Mistui Garden Hotel KanazawaWhat is Kanazawa Style?金沢らしさとは何かOwner : Mistui FudosanLocation: Kanazawa-shi, Ishikawa Main Use: HotelDesign and construction work: Takenaka Corporation·Architects: Takashi Nakaya, Kamiya Noriko·Structural: Mistuo Asano, Takashi Mitani·M&E: Yoshihiro Kasturagawa, Takashi Uchiyama·Site manager: Yutaka YamaguchiSite area: 964.96m2Building area: 735.28m2Total floor area: 6,038.92m2Construction: Steel, Steel Reinforced ConcreteNumber of stories: 13 floors above ground,1 basement floorConstruction term: June 2016 to October 2018建築主:三井不動産所在地:石川県金沢市主要用途:ホテル設計施工:竹中工務店・設計:中屋隆史・神谷典子・構造:浅野三男・三谷貴志・設備:桂川佳裕・内山貴士・作業所長:山口裕敷地面積:964.96㎡建築面積:735.28㎡延床面積:6,038.92㎡構造:S造・SRC造階数:地下1階 地上13階工期:2017.6~2018.10金沢の木虫籠格子をモチーフにしたファサード16We studied Kanazawa style, with the aim of producing a hotel that resonated with the guests. It was considered that this lay in a fusion of the novelty of creating modern design as in 21st century art museums, and traditional culture such as the Chaya district, old samurai residences, etc. Therefore the concept was established as a “fusion of tradition and modernity”, and by designing the exterior, interior, and landscape in accordance with this theme, the aim was to create welcoming spaces overflowing with Kanazawa-style hospitality. (Takashi Nakaya)