
Works16京都駅前に位置する宿泊特化型ホテル。中庭を抱くロの字型の客室配置とし、ピロティを介して中庭と都市とをつなぐアプローチがゲストを市中から非日常へといざなう。外周に設けた2つの坪庭を加え、光と風に移ろう庭園が共用部を包み込む。古くから京都のまちの暮らしがそうであったように、都市の中に居ながら四季折々の小さな自然を近くに感じるひとときを過ごしてほしいと考えた。(永井 務 + 奥村 崇芳)OVOL京都駅前ビル|リッチモンドホテルプレミア京都駅前OVOL Kyoto Ekimae Building | Richmond Hotel Premier Kyoto EkimaeAn Urban Hotel Loving Nature in All Seasons都市の中で四季折々の自然をめでるホテルOwner: Japan Pulp and Paper Company LimitedLocation: Kyoto-shi, Kyoto Main Use: HotelDesign and construction work: Takenaka Corporation·Architects: Tsukasa Nagai, Yuki Okumura and Takayoshi Okumura·Interior Design: Yoshitaka Kokaji, Yuki Kuroyabu·Structural: Yoshinori Matsubara, Yoshiaki Sawai and Takahiro Inuyama·M&E: Toshimichi Kanesaka, Yasuhiro Masaki·Site manager: Shinichi InoueSite area: 1,166.81m2Building area: 851.93m2Total floor area: 7,474.13m2Construction: SteelNumber of stories: 10 floors above groundConstruction term: December 2017 to March 2019建築主:日本紙パルプ商事所在地:京都府京都市主要用途:ホテル設計施工:竹中工務店・設計:永井務・奥村雄樹・奥村崇芳・インテリア:小梶吉隆・黒籔雄貴・構造:松原由典・澤井祥晃・犬山隆博・設備:金坂敏通・正木保弘・作業所長:井上信一敷地面積:1,166.81㎡建築面積:851.93㎡延床面積:7,474.13㎡構造:S造階数:地上10階工期:2017.12~2019.03タイルとアルミマリオンによる織物のような外装20This is a residential hotel located in front of Kyoto Station. The guest rooms are arranged around a rectangular courtyard, with the courtyard linked to the city via pilotis providing an approach that attracts the guests from the city into the extraordinary. There are two small gardens (tsubo niwa) provided on the periphery, as well as a garden in which the light and wind changes and that is enclosed by the common areas. In this way time can be spent feeling the closeness of nature in each season, as it was when living in the city of Kyoto in the past. (Tsukasa Nagai, Takayoshi Okumura)

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