
Works101.寮室 Dormitory2.リビングルーム Living Room3.トイレ Lavatory4.ランドリー Laundry5.管理人室 Manager Room躯体専門工事会社である東京朝日ビルドの、新入社員を含む18歳から25歳の若手社員向け独身寮である。入居予定の寮生とワークショップを行い、先輩や仲間と楽しく過ごしたいという彼らの意見を反映し、コミュニケーションを重視した寮とした。個室と、ダイニング・浴室等共用室との中間領域に井戸端空間となるコミュニティスペースを創出。この空間を軸に日常の偶発的な交流を楽しむ「みんなの大きな家」とした。(天野 千裕)東京朝日ビルド事務所・寮TOKYO ASAHI BUILD Dormitory OfficeA large house for everyone to enjoy living together“集まって住まう”を楽しむOwner: Tokyo Asahi BuildLocation: Soka-shi, SaitamaMain Use: Dormitory, OfficeDesign and construction work: Takenaka Corporation·Architects: Maki Hiraoka, Masahiro Takeiri and Chihiro Amano·Structural: Takumi Tsushi, Masahiro Uekusa and Kazuki Higashi·M&E: Atsushi Tomoi, Kenichi Inoue and Takuya Kainuma·Site manager: Shouji TanoGraphic Design: Yuki KikutakeSite area: 1,853.30m2Building area: 668.23m2Total floor area 1,881.15m2Construction: Reinforced ConcreteNumber of stories: 3 floors above groundConstruction term: March 2018 to March 2019建築主:株式会社東京朝日ビルド所在地:埼玉県草加市主要用途:寄宿舎・事務所設計施工:竹中工務店・設計:平岡麻紀・竹入昌弘・天野千裕・構造:津司巧・植草雅浩・東和樹・設備:友井篤・井上憲一・貝沼拓哉 ・作業所長:田野章二グラフィックデザイン:菊竹雪敷地面積:1,853.30㎡建築面積:668.23㎡延床面積:1,881.15㎡構造:RC造階数:地上3階工期:2018.3~2019.3南側夕景 綾瀬川の水面に映る灯り07寮室・イドバタリビング2F PLAN S=1:600This is a unique dormitory building for young members of staff aged between 18 and 25, including new recruits, for Tokyo Asahi Build Co., Ltd., which constructs building frames. In response to the opinions of residents, the dormitory places emphasis on communication so that residents can enjoy workshops with the other residents and enjoy spending time with their seniors and peers. An informal communication space is created in the area intermediate between the private rooms and the common area such as dining, bathrooms, etc. This is a large house for everyone to enjoy chance interchange that occurs daily in this space. (Chihiro Amano)N312453

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