
Works141984年竣工の高級賃貸集合住宅を保存改修+増築によって再構築した計画である。石張オーダー、オリジナル照明、曲面外壁タイルなど、既存意匠は最大限保存し、躯体再構築による耐用年数再取得と設備全改修によって機能を確保した。増築棟はガラスボックスの外観として豊かな植栽の中に溶け込ませ、既存建物を対比的に際立たせた。調和と対比によって既存ストックを未来につなぐ住宅の在り方を模索した。(鈴木 智也)プラウド上原フォレストProud Uehara ForestRenovation of existing residential stock with harmonization and contrast調和と対比による既存ストックの再構築Owner: Nomura Real Estate Development Co.,Ltd.Location: Shibuya-ku, TokyoMain Use: HousingDesign and construction work: Takenaka Corporation·Architects: Tsuyoshi Sadano, Ryouta Saito and Tomoya Suzuki·Structural: Hiroshi Kawai, Kazuomi Nakane, Satoru Shishido and Hidenori Tanaka·Equipment: Atushi Tomoi, Toko Murase, Zyunki Teragaki and Masayuki Miyazaki·Site manager: Hiroyuki Iwasaki, Takumu TokunagaSite area: 1,862.97m2Building area: 1,114.90m2Total floor area: 3,823.23m2Construction: Reinforced ConcreteNumber of stories: 3 floors above ground,1 basement floorConstruction term: October 2018 to February 2020建築主:野村不動産株式会社所在地:東京都渋谷区主要用途:共同住宅設計施工:竹中工務店・設計:佐田野剛・齋藤亮太・鈴木智也・構造:川合拓・中根一臣     宍戸覚・田仲秀典・設備:友井篤・村瀬澄江    寺垣淳起・宮崎正幸作業所長:岩崎宏之・德永巧敷地面積:1,862.97㎡建築面積:1,114.90㎡延床面積:3,823.13㎡構造:RC造階数:地下1階 地上3階工期:2018.10~2020.2既存外部を内部化したエントランスホール15SECTION S=1:500This was a project to renovate a high-grade apartment complex constructed in 1984 by conservation, refurbishment, and extension. The existing architectural elements were conserved as much as possible, such as the stone-clad order, original lighting, curved exterior tiles, etc., the service life was recovered by reconstructing the frame, and the function was ensured by complete renovation of the building services. The extension building has the appearance of a glass box that merges with the lush plants, in marked contrast to the existing building. The aim was to find a way of living that links the existing building stock to the future by harmonization and contrast. (Tomoya Suzuki)1.住戸(既存棟) Residence (Old)2.設備ボイド Equipment void3.坪庭 Garden4.住戸(増築棟) Residence (New)5.光ボイド Light Void6.駐車場 Parking7.エントランスホール Entrance Hall8. EVホール Elevator Hall9.中庭 Courtyard1F PLAN S=1:1000N1112435698

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