
Works06本計画は当社新社員が1年間共同生活する教育寮の建替計画である。新寮では、女性従業員の増加やニーズにより、旧寮の伝統である相部屋(2人1室の共同部屋)を「個室にすること」と、今後の社会変化に柔軟に対応できる人材を育成する「相互研鑽の場」である事が求められた。これに対し、外周部に寮室を配置し、建物中央に生まれる共用部(リビング)を寮生全員でシェアすることとした。寮生自身が互いの領域を共有し合うことで、豊かな共感性を生み、新しい未来へつながる想像力が育まれる場となることを期待している。(野口 伸)竹中工務店 深江竹友寮Takenaka Corporation Fukae Chikuyu RyoEducational Dormitory for Personnel that will Build the Future新しい未来をつくる人を育む教育寮Owner: Takenaka CorporationLocation: Kobe-shi, Hyogo Main Use: DormitoryDesign and construction work: Takenaka Corporation·Architects: Shigehiko Ohira, Shin Noguchi and Yuki Ito·Structural: Naomiki Suzuki, Shunji Yamamoto, Motoki Akazawa and Takumi Akahori·M&E: Ryosuke Hogami, Naoya Kimizuka and Sho Koshimura·Site manager: Atsuhiko KintsujiSite area: 3,857.21m2Building area: 2,463.92m2Total floor area: 6,189.97m2Construction: Steel, Reinforced Concrete and Steel Reinforced ConcreteNumber of stories: 3 floors above groundConstruction term: April 2018 to September 2019建築主:株式会社竹中工務店所在地:兵庫県神戸市主要用途:社員寮設計施工:竹中工務店・設計:大平滋彦・野口伸・伊藤祐紀・構造:鈴木直幹・山本俊司    赤澤資貴・赤堀巧・設備:布上亮介・君塚尚也・越村翔・作業所長:金辻篤彦敷地面積:3,857.21㎡建築面積:2,463.92㎡延床面積:6,189.97㎡構造:S造・RC造・SRC造階数:地上3階工期:2018.4~2019.91F PLAN S=1:17002F PLAN S=1:1700This project was a renovation of an educational dormitory where the company’s new members of staff spend their first year together. To cater for the increasing number of female staff and other needs, the new dormitory has changed to one person per room from the tradition of two persons sharing a room in the old dormitory. It was also a requirement for “mutual training” to cultivate members of staff capable of flexibly responding to the future changes in society. For this purpose the dormitory rooms were arranged around the periphery of the building, with a common area that is shared by all the residents in the center. It is expected that a strong sense of empathy will be produced by the residents sharing this area, and that it will become a place where the power to envision the new future will be developed. (Shin Noguchi)1. エントランスホール Entrance Hall2. 深江ダイニング(食堂) FUKAE Dining3. さくらホール SAKURA Hall4. 浴室(男子) Bathroom(Men)5. 浴室(女子) Bathroom(Women)6. きずなリビング KIZUNA LivingN456234165

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