
N315Works建築主:名古屋市スポーツ市民局区政課所在地:愛知県名古屋市主要用途:事務所設計:竹中工務店監理:伊藤建築設計事務所施工:竹中工務店・設計:上河内浩・伊藤貴弘・杉森大起・構造:石原清孝・三谷貴志・宇野芳奈美旧小学校跡地に区の4施設(区役所、土木事務所、保健センター、市税事務所)を集約した。小学校跡地で行われていた盆踊りやスポーツの継続利用を目的とした広場を囲むように庁舎施設と民間施設を配置し、半屋外の交流回廊「エンガワ」によって立体的に来庁者エリアを巡ることのできる計画とした。複合庁舎に目的がある人だけでなく、子供から高齢者まで日常的に利用したくなる居場所を立体的に創出した。(伊藤 貴弘)10442266・設備:棟保義憲・大橋俊介・上田将吾・作業所長:中村肇秀敷地面積:10,599.39㎡建築面積:4,084.26㎡延床面積:17,678.84㎡構造:RC造階数:地下1階 地上5階工期:2020.8〜2022.101F PLAN S=1:1500交流・避難拠点となる「まちのエンガワ」“Town Veranda” as a Place for Interaction and EvacuationFour ward facilities (ward office, public works office, healthcare center, city tax office) have been brought together on the site of a former elementary school. The local government facilities and the private sector facilities have been arranged around an open space with the aim that it can continue to be used for the Bon festival dances and sports that were performed at the elementary school site, and was planned so that the semi-outdoor interaction corridor “veranda” extended around the area for visitors to the facilities in a three-dimensional manner.As a multi-purpose government building, this was conceived not only for adults but also as a place for daily use by children and the elderly. (Takahiro Ito)1. 多目的広場 Multipurpose Square2. 交流拠点スペース Gathering Place3. 市民課 Residents‘ Affairs Division4. 税務窓口 Tax Counter5. 土木事務所 Public Works Office6. 他施設 Other OfficeOwner: Nagoya, Sports & Civic Affairs Bureau, Ward Administration DivisionLocation: Nagoya-shi, Aichi Main Use: OfficeDesign: Takenaka CorporationDesign supervision: Ito Architects & EngineersConstruction: Takenaka Corporation ·Architects: Hiroshi Kamigouchi, Takahiro Ito and Daiki Sugimori·Structural: Kiyotaka Ishihara, Takashi Mitani and Kanami Uno·M&E: Yoshinori Muneyasu, Shunsuke Ohashi and Shougo Ueda ·Site manager: Motohide NakamuraSite area: 10,599.39m2Building area: 4,084.26m2Total floor area: 17,678.84m2Construction: Reinforced Concrete Number of stories: 5 floors above ground,1basement floorConstruction term: August 2020 to October 2022中村区役所等複合庁舎Nakamura Ward Office Complex

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